
So Long Summer!

Welcome Back from Summer Holidays. Parish Life, Holy Cross School, Upcoming Events. Summer 2020: I do not know whether to say I enjoyed summer this year. If not for anything, I sure enjoyed the heat 😉….. Though it has been a unique year, I did have a good summer – the busiest, most productive and grace-filled for me in terms of ministry. I sure hope that you and your families, under the unique circumstances of this year, still enjoyed the…

Fire on the Mountain: Evacuation Alert

Dear Brothers and Sisters, I’m reaching out to you to let you know that I’m thinking about you and praying for you and for our city. The church and the rectory is not on evacuation alert yet. We have three empty rooms and lots of space here. The rooms are all ready for anyone who might need them. You can also bring your emergency kit here. I also would like to ask: if there are parishioners who are outside of…

Fr. Harry

Special thanks to Fr. Harry for all he has done for us for the past 6 months. God really brought him to us in a time when we need help. May the Lord bless himWe need to send him to Hawaii and some place for rest. We have to wait until the pandemic is over. For now, I have asked him to take a week off and go visit his friends. The parish will cover his expenses – gas, food…

The Priest Who Ate My Sandwich

Priests seem to be very hungry these days. Why is that? Is it because they are saying too many Masses these days? Fr. Wayne Pfliger – one time Pastor of the Catholic Parishes of Penticton – was here last week for 11am and 1pm Masses at SJV. After 11am Mass, he was so hungry, he went into the sacristy and saw a bag of sandwich that Bernadette kept there for her lunch. Fr. Wayne takes the sandwich, said a beautiful…

7 New Members Are Being Received Into our Parishes

This Sunday, our Parish Family is excited to welcome 6 new members! We have 7 members journeying through the RCIA Process this year. However, one is not able to join us this Sunday for the Sacraments of Initiation, and we keep them in our prayers and will joyfully celebrate with them when they are able. It has been one year since they came knocking on the door saying: I am here to get to know Jesus. There was a longing…

Churches Reopened – One Month In

Beloved Parishioners, It has been more than a month since our Churches were reopened. We have received many testimonies of how beautiful it is to return to Mass, to the Sacramental life, to Jesus in whom we live and move and have our being. One of the Bishop’s in UK described it as ‘a return from exile.’ We had hoped for a grand reopening and big homecoming. But we have to wait until a vaccine comes out which we pray…

Living the Pandemic, Fatherhood, & The Bishop

It is said that out of a difficult experience, great things emerge. I have been learning a lot during this pandemic. As difficult as it has been, it has enriched my soul. I hope it has done the same for you. A couple of weeks ago, I asked if you could share with me or with your friends and family how COVID -19 has enriched your soul or how you have been living it? Any new lessons? How has it…


I would like to thank all who helped in one way or another to ensure that we had a smooth reopening and that people are contacted and informed about all that is going on regarding Mass times and other things. Many thanks to our:• coordinators: Vince and Bernadette• co-coordinators: Tug and Sylvia McGraw You invested your time, talent and treasure to ensure that our people are gathered again for worship. • I also want to thank all who were involved…

Update on Reopening of Our Churches

Dear brothers and sisters, May the Lord give you peace! Our Churches Are Reopening! It is with great joy and thanksgiving to God that we will be opening our church doors this weekend (June 6/7), the Feast of the Most Holy Trinity. God is family. And every family – nuclear or Church comes from the family of the Most Holy Trinity. What a beautiful day to gather and begin our journey again together. We are family! The Mass schedule has…

Thank You

Thank you to all our parishioners for your offering/donation. I would like to say that you, our parishioners, have been amazing. You have taken ownership of the parish as your home. Through your donations and offerings, you have sustained the life of our parish. I am amazed at your generosity. Thank you.Many have used various means to send in their donation. The various means are outlined below. It is the love in your heart that has made you give. May…
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