Thank You

Thank you to all our parishioners for your offering/donation.

I would like to say that you, our parishioners, have been amazing. You have taken ownership of the parish as your home. Through your donations and offerings, you have sustained the life of our parish. I am amazed at your generosity. Thank you.
Many have used various means to send in their donation. The various means are outlined below. It is the love in your heart that has made you give. May Jesus bless your heart and family and may His blessings come to you a thousand fold in this life and in the next eternal life with Him.

For all who are in financial difficulty and all who have lost their jobs, know that we are praying for you.

We look forward to worshipping with you next weekend, June 6/7.

God bless you.

Parish Life, Weekly Offering and Payment of Bills

We have been able to continue paying our bills because of your generosity. Many people have mailed their weekly offerings, others have dropped theirs off in the secure mail box in front of the office. Others are now doing the automatic withdrawal. You have all been amazing. Thank you and may God bless and keep you and help us to keep our parish life going.

So, these are the various ways by which you can make your donation:

  1. Secure Mailbox: located in front of the parish office
  2. Mail to our address: 1296 Main St., Penticton V2A 5G2
  3. New Online Donation: CanadaHelps. Some are using this already and it’s working perfectly well.
  4. SAG (Stewardship Automatic Giving): This enables you to give to the Parish on monthly basis through automatic withdrawal.

For details on options for your offerings, go to the MENU bar select LIVING OUR FAITH and then select GIVING TO OUR PARISH.