We’ve collected some photos from various seasons, events, and places for your enjoyment.
St. John Vianney – Miscellaneous
St. Ann’s – Miscellaneous
Sacred Heart – Miscellaneous
Advent and Christmas
SSVP Christmas Hamper Fundraising Dinner
Our Lady of Fatima – Living Rosary
Parish Picnic & Outdoor Mass
St. John Vianney 60th Anniversary
St. Ann’s 65th Anniversary
Order of Widows Mass for Diane Schmid
Canada Day Outdoor Mass
First Holy Communion
Father Neil’s Birthday Dinner
Man of the Shroud Exhibit
Lent & Easter
RCIA 2023/2024

Do you have photos from a parish event that you think would be a nice addition to our collection?
Send an email to catholicpenticton@gmail.com and we’ll see if they might qualify for inclusion.