Live Stream Mass or Events

Watch Sunday Mass live or, if you missed it, you can watch one of our archived videos.

Our Sunday Mass is live streamed from one of two Parishes depending on the month as follows:

* 9am from St. John Vianney in Feb, Apr, Jun, Aug, Oct, Dec
* 11am from St. Ann in Jan, Mar, May, Jul, Sep, Nov

God Created Us For Incorruption

My dear brothers and sisters, Praise to you Lord Jesus Christ!  Happy Canada Day everyone! I hope and pray that you and your family have a blessed and wonderful time to enjoy the sun, this summer season.  Our readings this weekend, give us an example of hope – hope that is tied up with faith in God. A God who is compassionate, who is close to the brokenhearted, the suffering and to those who are in pain. Just this Thursday…

Jesus is Our Hope

My dear beloved brothers and sisters,   Praise to you Lord Jesus Christ! “Why are you afraid? Have you still no faith?” (Mark 4:40) These are the questions of Jesus in our Gospel this weekend. Do you have fears? When I was young, I consider these as my greatest fears; public speaking and flying on an airplane. I am scared of speaking in public because I am afraid of making mistakes; the words that I choose; my grammar and my pronunciation.…

Parish Pictorial Directory

Who is your fellow parishioner sitting in front, beside and behind you? You see them every week, but do you know their name? We are giving you the opportunity to find out! IPC Canada, who photographs parishes through Canada, is coming to the Catholic Parishes of Penticton in July and August! They are scheduled to be in St. Ann’s July 8-14 and in St. John Vianney on July 15–20. They will return again to St. Ann’s on August 11-17 to…

Sunday Mass

NOTE: On Sunday, September 29th, the 11am Sunday Mass from St. Ann’s is cancelled. However, there will be an 11am Mass at Skaha Lake Park Pavilion followed by the Parish Picnic. See the event page for more details. Our Sunday Mass schedule is as follows: Our Sunday Mass live stream schedule is as follows: If you missed this live streamed event, check our Vimeo channel for a recorded version. More Information Please see our Mass schedule for details on Mass…

Daily Chaplet of Divine Mercy

You are invited to pray a Chaplet of Divine Mercy at this time of day and know your prayers are united with the rest of our faith family also praying at the same time. You have two versions to choose from: the one from 2020 and a new one with Father Obi praying – recorded in April 2021. Simply press the Play button right at 3pm.