Live Stream Mass or Events

Watch Sunday Mass live or, if you missed it, you can watch one of our archived videos.

Our Sunday Mass is live streamed from one of two Parishes depending on the month as follows:

* 9am from St. John Vianney in Feb, Apr, Jun, Aug, Oct, Dec
* 11am from St. Ann in Jan, Mar, May, Jul, Sep, Nov

Mission to be Light & Love

My dear friends, Praise be Jesus Christ now and forever! I am Back! Our Mission trip to Puerto Penasco, Mexico was a successful one. Thank you for your support and encouragement especially for your prayers. There were 29 of us from the Catholic School in Kelowna, (Immaculata Regional High School), 21 Students { 2 Grade 10} {12 Grade 11} {7 Grade 12}, 4 Teachers, 3 Parents and me. We built two houses – we were tired but we were filled…

Miracle from God

My dear beloved brothers and sisters,  Praise to you Lord Jesus Christ!  This weekend, Jesus is taken us at the wedding at Cana, the first miracle that Jesus preformed. (John 2: 1-12) Why did Jesus did the miracle with this newly wed? It is because Jesus want us to know that we are part of the family of God. As part of the family, our relationship to God is like a married covenant to Him. God will always be here…

Pastoral Letter on Catholic Schools

As Mother and Teacher, the Church labours to bring the Gospel to the worldin every age and continually draws on the rich legacy of faith and service that hasguided her mission through the centuries. The apostolate of Catholic education is a treasured part of this tradition. It is essential to the Church’s “identity and mission.” Download the full letter below to learn about how Catholic Schools share a mission, teach the whole person, support faith and life shared in a…

Daily Mass with Rosary

PLEASE NOTE: The regular evening Mass at 7pm on Tuesday, February 11th is cancelled as we will be having a healing Mass for World Day of the sick at 10:30am that day instead. Our regular Daily Mass schedule is as follows: Holy Rosary typically begins about 40 minutes before Mass. If you are unable to join us in the church, please feel free to watch one of the following recorded versions of the Holy Rosary, uniting your prayer with the…