Ministries In Our Parishes

As members of the Body of Christ, the health of that body depends on the individual contribution of each member.

Lay people have a very important role to play in the mission of salvation. By Baptism, Confirmation and the Eucharist, we are commissioned by Christ himself to this mission.

We can use enrich the health of our parish community and bring our brothers and sisters closer to Christ by getting involved in ministries inside our four walls at Mass (Liturgical Ministries), by passing on our faith through education programs (Educational Ministries), or some of our Other Ministries that ensure our parishes are running well and serving parishioners and our community.

If you would like more information on any of these ministries, please contact the Parish Office.

Liturgical Ministries

Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist

An Extraordinary Minister of the Eucharist, often called a Eucharistic Minister, is a member of the laity who has been authorized to distribute the Eucharist to members of the congregation during Mass. Those who choose not to receive the Eucharist are welcomed with a blessing. Our ministers take the Eucharist to sick people in the hospital, to the elderly, or disabled in their homes or in convalescent homes.


A sacristan is charged with care of the sacristy, the church, and their contents. Their duties may involve the preparing of the sacristy, the vestments, the Blessed Eucharist, the liturgical books, the baptismal font, the holy oils, the decoration of the church for the different seasons and feasts, and other things that are necessary for the celebration of Mass.


Lectors proclaim the Word of the Lord during the Liturgy. This includes the introduction, the first and second readings, and the intentions.

A lector should have a passion for Scripture and sufficient public speaking skills to proclaim the Word to the assembly. Lectors for weekend and Holy Day Masses consist mainly of adults or adolescents. Children’s Masses, such as First Communion and Confirmation, may have children serve as Lectors.


Ushers help people to find seats during busy Masses (like Christmas & Easter), collect the collection, and may assist the priest with other aspects of the liturgy if requested.

This ministry is open to most parishioners: men, women, senior citizens, parents and teenagers.

Greeters & Gift Bearers

Greeters welcome parishioners as they enter the church and and bring up the offertory gifts during Mass.

This ministry is open to all parishioners, but is especially suited to families and represents an easy way to get children involved in the Mass at an early age.

Sometimes Ushers fulfill the role of Greeters.

Altar Servers

Young Catholics have an opportunity to grow in their faith and become more active in the Mass by serving as Altar Servers. These are young people who assist the priest during Mass.

Altar Servers offer service to God and the community by assisting the priest during Mass. The ministry is open to all youth of the parish who have made their First Communion and whose parents believe they are ready and responsible enough to be trained.

Children’s Liturgy

Children’s Liturgy is a parallel celebration to the Liturgy of the Word portion of the Mass, geared for children ages 4 and up. Children leave after the gathering rite to go to their own space listen and learn in an age appropriate manner. They return to the assembly to celebrate Eucharist with their families. This is not “catechism” or “Sunday School”; it is the Liturgy of the Word at the children’s level.


The musical styles of our various choirs present a unique and spiritual element that enables our congregation to lift up their voices in praise. Although the various groups have different styles, different rehearsal times, different commitment levels and different Mass schedules, they all strive toward a common goal: to lead the congregation in sung prayer and to glorify God through the music they each produce.

Other Liturgy-Related Ministries

Some ministries are less visible at our liturgical celebrations, but provide the support necessary to ensure they are beautiful and enjoyable.

Audio/Visual/Live Streamers

This ministry handles the audio & video needs of our liturgies including the live streaming component. Members of this ministry work closely with the sacristan, music ministry and celebrant to enhance the quality of our liturgies. If you have some skills in this area of ministry, your gifts will be valued.

Church Linens

A variety of liturgical linens are used in our Masses and other services. These linens are sacred and require ongoing laundering and pressing, usually weekly. The coordinator of this ministry is required to ensure an ample supply of linens is always maintained.

Church Decorating Team

Our Catholic celebrations are organized into a variety of liturgical seasons accompanied by a range of decoration themes. Each season, be it Advent, Christmas, Lent, Easter, Pentecost or Ordinary time, has its own decorations including flowers, banners, colour schemes, and other liturgical aids. Members of this team make sure our celebrations are enhanced by the décor in our church.

Educational Ministries

You can share you faith and knowledge directly through an educational ministry by being involved in or leading one of our teams: RCIA, Faith Formation/Catechism, or Youth Ministry.

Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA)

Are you excited about your Catholic faith and want others outside the Church to share in your excitement? The RCIA program is program where adults can learn about our faith and hopefully progress into full communion with us through the sacraments. If you have a strong understanding of our faith and like to share it in a leadership role then you may be interested in joining our catechist team. On the other hands, if you may enjoy a more personal and supportive role then you could be a sponsor for one of our RCIA candidates.

Faith Formation/Catechism

For those who cannot send their children to our school, we have a Faith Formation program for elementary grade students that is designed to assist families of children attending public school in their religious education.

Catechism classes begin each year in September, typically run through May, and are held on Wednesday nights.

These classes are hosted by teams made up of catechism teachers and helpers.

Youth Ministry

Our Youth Ministry looks to bring our young ones to a deeper relationship with Jesus and to build a community where our young people will come to know and treasure our faith in the living God. We are excited for God’s plan for the young people in our community. The light of hope fills our hearts with joy.

This ministry engages with our youth in two age groups, grades 6-9 and grades 10-12, and hosts regular get togethers and coordinates relevant events.

Other Ministry Options

  • Church cleaning volunteer
  • Finance committee member
  • Pilgrimage of Faith committee member
  • Funeral reception team member
  • Groundskeeping crew member
  • Office assistance
  • Social committee member
  • Sunday coffee volunteer
  • Visitation to Shut-ins

More Information

If you would like more information on any of these ministries, please contact the Parish Office.