The Feast Day of St. Ann
Did you know that our St. Ann’s building turned 65 years old on May 3rd? This makes celebrating the Feast of St. Ann even more special for our Penticton Catholic community. Everyone is warmly invited to join us at St. Ann’s on July 26 at 5:30pm to celebrate this special Feast day Mass and enjoy a potluck following the mass. We look forward to seeing you this Friday.
Vacation Bible School – Scuba!
For more information and to register (kids or volunteers), please visit: If you have questions, contact:
Office Closed
The Parish Office will be closed Friday, July 19. See you on Monday, July 22nd.
Order of Widows Mass for Diane Schmid
What is the Order of Widows? A widow that makes this profession, consecrates herself to be a woman of prayer and supplications for the Church “night and day”. In addition, they had to take a pledge not to marry again. For this reason, St. Paul indicates that they should be at least sixty years of age, so that they can keep this pledge. Diane Schmid will be consecrated to the Orders of Widows on Tuesday July 9 at 6:00pm at…
Outdoor Mass for Penticton Parishes
Where: Selby Park, 2224 West Bench Drive, Penticton Let’s share in the joy of worship together! Please bring lawn chairs and picnic lunch, we will supply coffee, tea, water, juice as well as Timbits. Mass will be followed by informal visiting and socializing. Parishioners are welcome to join a group traveling together to the park at 10:00am from St. Ann’s parking lot or in front of St. John’s. If you know your way there, you are welcome to go directly…
Summer Kickoff!
Please join us for the St. Ann’s Summer Kickoff on Thursday, June 27 at 6:30 in the St. Ann’s Hall. We will be recognizing all the volunteers at St. Ann’s, along with a presentation of the 2023 financial results and 2024 budget. Everyone is most welcome to attend and support our volunteers. Wine and cheese will be provided
First Holy Communion
This Sunday, May 26th, we celebrate as our children receive their First Holy Communion.
Santacruzan 2024
The Filipino Community of The Catholic Parishes of Penticton, will be hosting the Flores de Mayo Festival this May 2024. It is a festival to show our devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary. It is a month-long festival devoted to the Blessed Mother where we will offer prayers, rosaries and a novena in her honor. The Santacruzan is the pinnacle of the month-long festival. It can be described as a sort of religious historical beauty pageant. It is held to…
Happy Birthday Father Neil!
There will be a Potluck Dinner to celebrate Fr. Neil’s birthday on Thursday, May 16 in St. Ann’s Hall beginning at 7pm. Everyone is invited, so please bring your favorite dish to share.