Giving to Our Parish

The people of the Parishes of Penticton have been blessed with churches and property that their forebearers sacrificed to put in place. Many of them worked long and hard to give to us what we have today – a place to pray, to celebrate important moments in our lives (baptism, communions, confirmations, weddings and finally funerals.) Our parish churches are where we come for strength in the ups and downs of life.

Almost everything that gets done in a parish, and all that enables it to get done (heating, electricity, etc.) is paid for by parishioners. Parishes pay to the diocese a certain portion to support poor parishes and the services of the Diocese.

Each person should give what they have decided in their heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.

(2 Corinthians 9:7)

Regular Giving to our Parish

Option 1 – Most of that financial support comes in the form of the Sunday Offering Envelopes in which parishioners place cash or a cheque every Sunday of the year, and when special collections are taken up as well. Every Parishioner that registers will get an envelope number and this will be printed on your envelopes. If you cannot make it to Mass with your offering envelope, there is a secure mailbox by the door to the Rectory Office. Please drop envelopes there no later than 2:00pm on weekdays as the mailbox will be emptied sometime after that.

Option 2 – If you prefer, your regular monthly contribution can also be accomplished through our pre-authorized giving plan which transfers funds directly from your bank. If you choose to do this, you will still be assigned envelopes. You will need these for the periodic special collections.

We understand that some parishioners do not want to write cheques or permit withdrawals from their bank accounts. So we are happy to provide the following options as well.

Option 3 – We have our own email addresses for Interac/e-Transfer donations for both parishes.

Option 4CanadHelps as an online alternative for you. However, they do take a small percentage (~3.5%) of each donation. For this reason, our preferred method of giving remains our Stewardship (Pre) Authorized Giving (SAG) Plan or Interac/e-Transfer.

Giving or Leaving a Gift

Financial support can be given as an act of thanksgiving, a memorial for someone who has passed away, and who we want to remember – or in times of joy, like the birth of a child, or a work promotion.

You can also remember your parish in your Will, designating the parish as a beneficiary in a specific way. You can designate your bequest for a specific purpose or leave it as a general gift for whatever is needed.

Targeted Giving

If the parish has a fund set up for special purposes, such as roof replacement, technological updates, grounds maintenance, you can specify your donation for such purposes. All contributions are eligible for an income tax receipt.

Annual Diocesan Appeal

Annually an appeal is made to the people of the Diocese for financial support for diocesan projects not covered by donations to parish collections. This annual appeal is called the Pilgrimage of Faith and each campaign runs from January to December every year.

New Parishioners

If you’re new to our parishes, please contact the office to register and arrange for an envelope number.

Pre-Authorized Giving

What is the Stewardship: (Pre) Authorized Giving Plan? The work of our parish is made possible through the generosity of our parishioners, who embrace their responsibility to their spiritual home. We give because by our gift we define our lives as giving people We give because we are grateful to God, who has given much to us We give because we appreciate our parish We give because we want to participate in the ongoing work of the Church We give…

Donation by Interac/e-Transfer

We have our own email addresses for Interac/e-Transfer donations for both parishes. Be sure to indicate clearly to which fund the donation is to be directed in the message box of the e-transfer. For example: Sunday Offering, Special Church Care, Christmas, New Years, and/or one of the Ordered Collections, or if is to be split between two or more of these. Donations will be automatically deposited directly in the parish bank account according to the e-mail address that you send…

Pilgrimage of Faith

Annually an appeal is made to the people of the Diocese for financial support for diocesan projects not covered by donations to parish collections. The major projects to be funded by the Appeal are: Communication These funds are used for the publication of the Catholic Mountain Star, which is a vital method of bringing news of our Diocese into the homes of our parishioners. The Catholic Mountain Star is available to all registered households in the Diocese. Pastoral Programs There…

Online Giving

The Diocese of Nelson and the Catholic Parishes of Penticton have partnered with to facilitate online giving. CanadaHelps is: Trusted by Canadians and charities for over 19 years. Helping more than 20,000 charities. Supporting almost 2 million Canadians donate to charities. Proud to have raised over $1 billion in donations. Self-funded, using just 1.8% of donation revenues to fulfill our mission. CanadaHelps is a very convenient and secure way to donate to Canadian charities. They also produce your tax…

Planning a Gift

Most people support their parish through the weekly envelopes, but there are other ways to make financial contributions that require some planning on your part. It often involves assets and directives in forms other than money, such as wills, insurance policies, property, stock or annuities. This type of giving can also reflect your personal financial situation and allow you to use various financial planning tools to help you reduce your tax liability while at the same time supporting the ongoing…