Pilgrimage of Faith

Annually an appeal is made to the people of the Diocese for financial support for diocesan projects not covered by donations to parish collections. The major projects to be funded by the Appeal are:


These funds are used for the publication of the Catholic Mountain Star, which is a vital method of bringing news of our Diocese into the homes of our parishioners. The Catholic Mountain Star is available to all registered households in the Diocese.

Pastoral Programs

There are many pastoral programs within our Diocese which are not funded, or partially funded from other sources of income. The five main areas which are funded or assisted are: Youth Ministry, Religious Education Development, Houses of Prayer, the Marriage Tribunal and Catholic Schools.

  • Youth Ministry: Grants are given for initiatives in favour of youth on the level of the deanery (e.g. youth rallies, youth camps, parish youth initiatives) and of the diocese (e.g. World Youth Day).
  • Office of Faith Formation: Provides training programs for Catholic teachers and volunteer catechists. Programs of adult faith formation are offered each year.
  • Houses of Prayer: Seton House in Kelowna provides for the spiritual needs of many and continues to receive assistance from the Pilgrimage of Faith.
  • First Nations Ministry: Pastoral Workers assist in the East Kootenay deanery and in the Okanagan Deaneries. The Pilgrimage of Faith assists in these ministries.
  • The Marriage Tribunal continues to assist those who are in non-sacramental marriages by defining their status within the Church enabling them to receive the Sacraments and also to practice their faith, after re-marriage, as full members of our faith community.
  • Social and Pastoral Programs: Rachel’s Vineyard and Grief to Grace, as well as other pastoral programs are assisted by the Appeal.
  • Catholic Schools (six elementary, one secondary) will benefit from a moderate subsidy given to the superintendent’s office. This will not reduce the parish subsidy, which about half of our parishes pay monthly towards the operation of our schools It will, however, assist those schools which are struggling to balance their operating budget, and allow other schools to pay a more just wage or put aside some funds for emergencies.
  • Clergy Pension Supplement: Until the pension fund becomes fully funded, clergy pensions are supplemented to ensure dignified and secure support for the needs of retired clergy.
  • Seminarian Support: Priestly formation normally takes five to seven years. The costs of this formation are subsidized by the Diocese.
  • Sabbaticals and Training for Priests and Religious: Grants for priests and religious working in the Diocese allow them to upgrade their education and to renew and deepen their vocational calling.
  • Lay Training: Grants from the Appeal assist lay persons to serve their parish and the diocese more effectively.

Captial Development

Capital and major maintenance projects are eligible for a 10% rebate grant with a maximum expenditure of one million dollars ($1,000,000). All rebates must be claimed by the end of the calendar year following the completion of the project.

How to Donate

Each campaign runs from January to December every year. Parishes will communicate with its Parishioners when the campaign begins and donation pledge forms will be sent to everyone. Contributions can be made using one of the following methods (complete a pledge form):

1. Cash of Cheque payable to the Roman Catholic Bishop of Nelson.

2. Direct Debit – include a VOID cheque or bank account authorization form.

For 1 and 2 above: Please place in the collection basket at Mass or mail to the office.

3. e-transfer to: etransfer.pof@nelsondiocese.org Please include your name, address, and parish location in the message area. The funds are automatically deposited to POF and no security question/answer is required.

4. Scan the QR Code for credit card donations.

5. Donations can be made online at CanadaHelps.org (make sure the “Pilgrimage of Faith” fund is selected). An administration fee of 3.96% applies. Canada Helps issues their own tax receipts.

More information:

Contact the office for Pilgrimage of Faith by E-mail or contact our parish pastor.