Pastor’s Messages

Called by God

My dear friends, Praise to you Lord Jesus Christ!  Every time I receive a call early in the morning to do an anointing, I always consider this as a reminder of my vocation – called by God to do service. Whatever I do, wherever I am, I usually drop everything and immediately respond to this call, for very second counts on the person receiving the sacrament. And I usually sees this moment as an opportunity to encounter God and through…

Mission to be Light & Love

My dear friends, Praise be Jesus Christ now and forever! I am Back! Our Mission trip to Puerto Penasco, Mexico was a successful one. Thank you for your support and encouragement especially for your prayers. There were 29 of us from the Catholic School in Kelowna, (Immaculata Regional High School), 21 Students { 2 Grade 10} {12 Grade 11} {7 Grade 12}, 4 Teachers, 3 Parents and me. We built two houses – we were tired but we were filled…

Miracle from God

My dear beloved brothers and sisters,  Praise to you Lord Jesus Christ!  This weekend, Jesus is taken us at the wedding at Cana, the first miracle that Jesus preformed. (John 2: 1-12) Why did Jesus did the miracle with this newly wed? It is because Jesus want us to know that we are part of the family of God. As part of the family, our relationship to God is like a married covenant to Him. God will always be here…

Listen to God’s Voice

My dear friends, Praise be Jesus Christ now and forever! This weekend we celebrate Jesus’ baptism in the river Jordan. We refer to this as the second “epiphany,” which is the second manifestation of His identity and mission. God the Father’s voice revealed that Jesus is the “Beloved Son”, filled with the Spirit of God, who was sent to “bring forth justice to the nations.” Jesus’ mission entails taking it upon Himself to save us from our sinfulness, as foretold…

Did You Achieve Your Advent Goal?

My beloved sisters and brothers, Praise to you Lord Jesus Christ! On this last Sunday of Advent, there are only a few days left before Christmas, and I ask you to review your three important goals this Advent which I shared with you on the first Sunday of Advent. On your BIG – MAC paper; did you accomplished your goals? Are you ready to welcome Jesus into your lives with humility and gratitude this Christmas? Who are you bring with…

Jesus is Near

My dear friends, Praise be Jesus Christ now and forever! This weekend we celebrate the third Sunday of Advent which is traditionally called Gaudete Sunday. Gaudete from the Latin word means, “Rejoice.” “Rejoice” is the first word in the entrance antiphon for today’s Eucharist from St. Paul to Philippians 4:4,5: “Rejoice in the Lord always; again I say, rejoice! The Eucharist invites us to “Rejoice” although we have many reasons to be sad because of the loss of loved ones,…

Hope in Jesus

My dear beloved brothers and sisters, Praise to you Lord Jesus Christ! During Advent, what are you preparing for? I am hopeful that we each must learn to discern what is of value. During these last two weeks, I have visited lots of our parishioners who are sick, at the Hospital, Care Facilities and even at Hospice. Please include them in your prayers. Thank you! We already began our journey last week of living the spirit of Advent with hope,…

Advent Waiting

My dear friends, Praise be Jesus Christ now and forever! This weekend we begin a new liturgical year that starts with Advent. Advent means “the arrival, the coming.” During this season, we wait with faith for the promise of the second glorious coming or arrival of Jesus our Lord at the end of time. It also reminds us of the constant coming of Jesus into our lives through the events of our lives, the sacraments and our neighbors. The message…

Jesus Our Lord & King

My dear brothers and sisters, Praise to you Lord Jesus the King of the Universe! The solemnity of Jesus Christ as King of the Universe always marks the end of ourChurch’s liturgical calendar. Next Sunday, we begin the season of Advent, the timeof expectation for the birth of the Messiah – Emmanuel. Today’s feast highlights arefor us to put all things under Jesus’ feet, and to acclaim Him as the Alpha(beginning) and the Omega (end) of our lives. Do we…

Jesus Will Come Again

My dear brothers and sisters in Jesus Christ, Praise to you Lord Jesus! What are you busy with? Are you busy with things that are not important? Our readings this weekend remind us of an important truth of our Christian faith – the return of Jesus in glory to gather and to share in His everlasting glory. The Word of God assures us that, perfect justice will be done. Where we came from is given and something that we cannot…