The rest that never happened ….
Upon my return from Vancouver, I asked Vince and Bernadette to take a week off because they have done so much for our parishes during this pandemic. They left on Monday to Kelowna to rest for five days. By Tuesday afternoon, they were back. The fire forced them to come back. Tuesday night, they were packing their things and getting the emergency kit ready. Since I see them almost every day, I see the anxiety this causes. I can only…
Faith in Jesus and 2020!
What A Year! It’s been quite a year for everyone; the pandemic has changed everything for us. The ultimate question that we truly can ask this year is: ‘Did the corona virus change me? Did it increase my faith in Jesus of Nazareth? Did it change the way I see the world, the way I see others, the way I see myself? Did it change my relationship with God for the better? Today’s reading (Sunday) is really about faith. It’s…
A Trip to the Gulf Islands – A Time of Rest, Awe and Wonder
I write from the ferry – I’m fascinated by all this: being in a ferry with lots of cars, getting off the car and moving about in the ferry, relaxing, having lunch, shopping. Not only that, I could even go out and stand and gaze on the mountain and ocean as the ferry moves, carrying all of us and all the cars in a smooth sail. I’m loving this! I stand in awe and wonder: contemplating God’s creation from the…
Jesus will Bless and Multiply Your Gift
Jesus broke the loaves and gave them to the disciples, and the disciples gave them to the crowds There is a Eucharistic theme in the miracle of the loaves. Just as we do at every Mass, Jesus TOOK the loaves, BLESSED and BROKE it. Something happened next: He gave the disciples to share. Notice that He didn’t do it all by Himself. By giving the disciples the bread to share, He was incorporating them into the ministry of the Kingdom.…
A Man’s Finest Hour – The Hour with Jesus in the Eucharist
I was in the kitchen enjoying a glass of orange juice and a bun that I had micro waved when Fr. Harry came in and said to me: “Are you eaten AGAIN.” 🙂 It was while munching on this delicious bun that the Holy Spirit gave me this line – ‘A man’s finest hour is the hour of the Eucharist’ when in the depth of my being I speak heart to heart with the God who visits me as the…
What Will We Say 20 Years from Now?
It is said that out of a difficult experience, great things emerge. I have been learning a lot during this pandemic. As difficult as it has been, it has enriched my soul. I hope it has done the same for you. Do you mind sharing with me how COVID -19 has enriched your soul or how you have been living it? Any new lessons? How has it been for your family? 20 years from now when people ask us how…
Anticipating Pentecost
Next Sunday (May 31st) is Pentecost Sunday when we celebrate the descent of the Holy Spirit on our Blessed Mother and the apostles. With the coming of the Holy Spirit, everything changed for the apostles. They came to the realization of how much they were loved by God. They left the upper room and began to speak about Jesus in a bold way. According to Raniero Cantalamessa (Papal Preacher), each person is to have his/her Pentecost experience: the day when…
Loving Jesus in Everyone
The words of Jesus today really strikes my heart; He is asking us to love Him. He thirsts for our love. As we love our neighbours beginning with our family – it is He whom we love. I love Jesus in my wife, a man said. Two years ago, I was at the ferry close to Nelson. Because of road closure, the ferry was busy. I had waited for about 5 hours. When it was my turn to get on…
Cheers to our Mothers, to our Grandmas, to Every Women
It is the desire of God that every mother, every father should be honoured. He says to us: “Honour thy father and thy mother, so that your days may be long.” In fact, it is the only commandment that has a promise attached to it. Motherhood is a sublime vocation! Every mother, every woman is a gift to humanity. Mothers are co-creators. They carry life within them and bring this life to the world. I often wonder what it is…
I Am the Bread of Life
Experience of First Holy Communion Throughout this week, we have been reading John 6 which we call the Eucharistic Discourse. Jesus declares who is: “I am the Bread of Life.” And He goes on to say: “He who eats of this bread will live forever… And I will raise him up on the last day….. Unless you eat of the flesh of the Son of man and drink of His blood, you shall not have life within you.” ‘This is…