Parish News
Christmas Hamper Campaign 2024
Planning is underway for our annual Christmas Hamper Campaign, and we are confident we will be able to fulfill the requests we receive with your continued help. We are blessed with the support you have given to St Vincent de Paul Society, and we hope you will join us again as we work towards filling and delivering Christmas hampers and gifts to those in need. Once more we are asking for volunteers and have posted our work schedule on the…
St. Ann’s Parishioner Survey
This survey closed on November 12th. Attention all St. Ann’s Parishioners! Your Parish Pastoral Council would like to hear from you. Please complete the online survey by November 12th. This is an anonymous survey. PLEASE NOTE: This survey is for parishioners of St. Ann’s Parish only. St. John Vianney parishioners took a similar survey several months ago.
KC 63rd Annual Charity Appeal
The 2024 Knights of Columbus Charity Appeal has been launched! The Raffle runs until December 14, 2024 with three early bird draws. Total prizes are $100,000.
Every Child Matters T-Shirt
On March 9, 2023, the BC provincial government passed legislation to make September 30 a new statutory holiday. This new statutory holiday, the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation, will provide an opportunity to commemorate the history and legacy of the residential school system, and to honour survivors as well as those children who never made it home. In 2022, Holy Cross School added an orange shirt to the required uniform list. This meaningful shirt was custom designed by Cody…
Parish Pictorial Directory
Who is your fellow parishioner sitting in front, beside and behind you? You see them every week, but do you know their name? We are giving you the opportunity to find out! IPC Canada, who photographs parishes through Canada, is coming to the Catholic Parishes of Penticton in July and August! They are scheduled to be in St. Ann’s July 8-14 and in St. John Vianney on July 15–20. They will return again to St. Ann’s on August 11-17 to…
Catholic Schools Week 2024
Catholic Schools Week 2024 begins on Monday, January 29th. We are excited to commemorate this great event with our school community. Our Leadership Class students are organizing the celebrations and they have planned a number of games and activities throughout the week. Our Catholic School Theme for the year is Living, Celebrating and Proclaiming our Faith. Let’s celebrate together! For a schedule of events please visit our school calendar.
NET Ministries is Returning!
Hi Families! Last year, the Catholic Parishes of Penticton hosted a powerful youth retreat weekend put on by NET Ministries. This year, we are excited to announce that NET is returning with new themes, new leaders, new activities and of course, a powerful energy centered towards Christ. On the weekend of February 10th – 11th, The Catholic Parishes of Penticton will be welcoming the travelling retreat team from NET Canada (National Evangelization Teams). NET is a reputable company with teams…
All Saints Day Party Fun!
What a great turnout for our All Saints Day Party on Saturday! The kids had a blast dressing up as saints, playing games, and taking in some tasty treats. Check out the pictures from this fun event. All our pictures can be found in the website Gallery.
KC 62nd Annual Charity Appeal
The 2023 Knights of Columbus Charity Appeal has been launched! The Raffle runs until December 16, 2023 with three early bird draws. Total prizes are $100,000.