School News

Pastoral Letter on Catholic Schools

As Mother and Teacher, the Church labours to bring the Gospel to the worldin every age and continually draws on the rich legacy of faith and service that hasguided her mission through the centuries. The apostolate of Catholic education is a treasured part of this tradition. It is essential to the Church’s “identity and mission.” Download the full letter below to learn about how Catholic Schools share a mission, teach the whole person, support faith and life shared in a…

Every Child Matters T-Shirt

On March 9, 2023, the BC provincial government passed legislation to make September 30 a new statutory holiday. This new statutory holiday, the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation, will provide an opportunity to commemorate the history and legacy of the residential school system, and to honour survivors as well as those children who never made it home. In 2022, Holy Cross School added an orange shirt to the required uniform list. This meaningful shirt was custom designed by Cody…

NET Retreat for Youth

The theme of this retreat is “Living for Greatness”. Society tells us that the purpose of life is to get a good job, start a family, make lots of money, and be happy. But what happens once we achieve that? Is that true greatness? God has a plan for each of us… How do we hear Him, and how do we have the strength to follow? NET Ministries will be running two retreats in February. One for our Junior Youth…

Holy Cross Annual Online Gala

Holy Cross School is hosting an on-line fund raising Silent and Live Auction from Nov 19 – 21st. We are reaching out to Parishioners of St. John Vianney and St. Ann’s Parishes for support in creating an auction basket of items with a theme A FEW OF YOUR FAVORITE THINGS. These items that are donated by you would represent your favorite things. They will be put together in one or more baskets and auctioned off during the weekend mentioned above.…

Catholic Schools Week

January 31 to February 6, 2021 On Sunday, January 31, we begin observance of Catholic Schools’ Week across the province of British Columbia. This year’s theme is Walk With Jesus Our Living Hope and together, with over 22,000 students enrolled in 79 Catholic schools throughout the province, we celebrate the ways Catholic schools create environments where our Catholic story is shared and celebrated. The Nelson Diocese currently enrolls 1162 students in 7 schools located in Penticton, West Kelowna, Kelowna, Trail,…

The Mystery of the Manger

HOLY CROSS SCHOOL PRESENTS The Mystery of the MangerIt’s the Gospel Truth! Due to COVID-19 restrictions, we are unable to gather for our usual Christmas Eve Family mass this year where the children of our parish participate in the live Nativity. The students are sharing their gift of music in this virtual format this year. If you do not use the Sunday offering envelopes, please consider visiting to find out how you can fulfil your end of year charitable…