Did You Know?


Angles are purely spiritual creatures. They have no body. They are invisible. They are immortal. They are a personal being endowed with intelligence and will. They ceaselessly contemplate God face to face and they glorify him. They serve him and are his messengers in the accomplishment of his saving mission to all of us. We know from Christian tradition and from the Holy Scriptures that there are different names given to groups of angels — nine “choirs” of angels in…

Mass Intentions

What does it mean to have a Mass “offered” for someone? The published intention which is announced at the beginning of Mass and at the heart of the priest’s prayer, may be for the living, the deceased, in thanksgiving for grace received, and also for special occasions (anniversaries or birthdays). All parishioners may request Mass intentions. If we have too many Masses we can support some of the smaller missions and parishes by forwarding Mass intentions to them through the…

Our Lady of Guadalupe

Patroness of the Unborn On December 9, 1531, in Mexico, Our Lady appeared to Juan Diego, a poor humble Aztec Indian who had recently converted to the Catholic faith. She asked him to go to the Bishop and tell him to build a church where she said, “I will show and offer all of my love, my compassion, my help and my protection to my people.” Juan Diego did as she asked, but the Bishop asked for a sign that…

What is the story behind the image of Our Lady of Perpetual Help?

The image of Our Lady of Perpetual Help is an icon, painted on wood, and seems to have originated around the thirteenth century. Traditionally, the image is also known as “Our Lady of Perpetual Succour.” The icon (about 54 x 41.5 centimeters) depicts our Blessed Mother Mary, under the title “Mother of God,” holding the Child Jesus. The Archangels Michael and Gabriel, hovering in the upper corners, hold the instruments of the Passion– St. Michael (in the left corner) holds…

Lenten Observances

Abstinence All Catholics 14 years and older. No Meat (Canon # 1252) Fasting All Fridays from the ages of 18 -59. One full meal and two lighter meals allowed (Can. 1252) Penance All Fridays and all days of Lent are times of penance (Canon 1250) Eucharistic Feast Abstention from food and drink (water and medicines excepted) for one hour before receiving communion; does not oblige elderly and ill and those attending them (Canon 919).

Why Do They Have Their Foreheads Marked With a Cross?

A) Because in the Bible a mark on the forehead is a symbol of a person’s ownership. By having their foreheads marked with the sign of the cross, this symbolizes that the person belongs to Jesus Christ, who died on a Cross. This is the imitation of the spiritual mark or seal that is put on a Christian in baptism, when he is delivered from sin. B) Because ashes are a biblical symbol of mourning and penance. In Biblical times,…

St. Valentine

SAINTS FUN FACTS by John Sheppard A kind hearted Roman priest, he aided young Christians being persecuted by Claudius II and was imprisoned. While in custody, he converted 46 members of a guard’s family to Christianity! Upon discovering this, Claudius sentenced him to death. He is the patron of love, young people and happy marriage.