The Priest Who Ate My Sandwich

The Priest Who Ate My Sandwich

Priests seem to be very hungry these days. Why is that? Is it because they are saying too many Masses these days?

Fr. Wayne Pfliger – one time Pastor of the Catholic Parishes of Penticton – was here last week for 11am and 1pm Masses at SJV. After 11am Mass, he was so hungry, he went into the sacristy and saw a bag of sandwich that Bernadette kept there for her lunch. Fr. Wayne takes the sandwich, said a beautiful prayer and ate it all. He had the last bite in his mouth when Bernadette showed up. With his mouth open, he asked her: “Oh, was that your sandwich… I’m sorry it’s gone….. but it was really

That was all my fault: I should have kept a sandwich for him in the sacristy. Each day, I keep learning how to be a pastor. Experiences teach me every day.

As we celebrate our parish feast today and on August 4, we recall all that you the parishioners and your former pastors have built together over these years. Truly, with Jesus, you have done a lot. May we keep building until the day the Bridegroom returns and says: ‘Come my beloved and inherit the Kingdom prepared for you from the beginning of time.’

As your new Pastor, I want to say thank you for allowing me to journey with you, to share in your life and love with and for Jesus.

As we celebrate our feast day today, permit me to recall the first night in April of 2012 when I first I arrived here as a young seminarian (a friend recently told me she thought I was 59. Now, we are together and I have the joy of serving you as your brother. I look back with nostalgia and I look into the future with hope.

Please pray for parishioners who once worshiped with us but have departed for the home of our Father. I am hopeful many of them have arrived in Paradise and are cheering us on. For those still on the way, may we keep them in our prayers that Jesus may open the gates of Paradise to them.

On Friday, a woman whose sister I buried recently phoned to say she was bringing lunch for Fr. Harry and I: Indian food for me and Irish stew (no spices at all) for Fr. Harry. She said to me:

Fr. when you love someone, sometimes you say it in words; other times, you simply do something for them. But sometimes even if there’s someone you don’t like very much, you still do good to them….. just so you know, you and Fr. Harry are easy to love.

Well, that compliment will stay in my soul forever.

I love you all. Thank you for your love. Let us continue to build the city of God. Happy Feast of Sts. Joachim and Ann!

Your brother,

Fr. Obi

NB: we have enough food in the rectory to last us the next two weeks.