News & Views (Page 3)
Turkey / Syria Earthquake Emergency Aid Campaign
“As Catholics we are compelled to come to the aid of our brothers and sisters in dire circumstances like the thousands of families that have lost loved ones, or are injured and have lost their homes, due to the earthquake,” said Bishop Poisson, president of the CCCB and Bishop of Saint-Jérôme-Mont-Laurier. “For this reason, local Bishops have been invited to promote this emergency campaign in their dioceses/eparchies and to invite their faithful to donate to any one of the organizations…
NET Retreat for Youth
The theme of this retreat is “Living for Greatness”. Society tells us that the purpose of life is to get a good job, start a family, make lots of money, and be happy. But what happens once we achieve that? Is that true greatness? God has a plan for each of us… How do we hear Him, and how do we have the strength to follow? NET Ministries will be running two retreats in February. One for our Junior Youth…
Commissioning Reflection
What a blessing it is for us to follow in the footsteps of the apostles, and be commissioned in our ministry service, just as they were commissioned by Jesus. Commissioning blesses us, and affirms the use of the gifts that God has given us. As we journey in our walk with Jesus, He invites us to partner with him in sharing His love with others. There is nothing greater or more rewarding than to invest our time, and talents into…
2022 Christmas Message from Bishop Bittman
Dear Faithful Please find attached a Christmas message from Bishop Gregory. Have a happy Christmas and a blessed New Year!
All Who Minister at Mass
Dear sisters and brothers, Peace and Goodness! Vatican II Council states that the Eucharist is the Source and Summit of our lives as Catholics. As we come to the end of the year, I think of all the Eucharistic Celebrations we have had which truly have enriched the souls and the lives of our people. I could not have made it possible to have Mass available to our people without you.It takes your beautiful hands, feet, smile and most importantly…
A Word of Thanks and Christmas Greetings
A Word of Thanks and Christmas Greetings to you, my sisters & brothers Thank you from the bottom of my heart Throughout the year, you (our parishioners) work so hard in making our parishes a beautiful, welcoming, joyful, house of prayer – a place where we and our visitors truly come to encounter Jesus. It is through your sacrifice and ministry that the doors of our parishes have remained open. As we celebrate Christmas, I’d like to take this opportunity…
Christmas Carols and Festivals 2022
Our Christmas Carols and Festivals evening was beautiful. What a joyful celebration of community and voices raised to God. Thank you to all our performers, readers, dancers, and our emcee. God has truly blessed us.
We Celebrated Portuguese Faith and Culture Today
Today we celebrated Portuguese Faith and Culture by processing with Our Lady of Fatima from the school to the church, then celebrated Mass, followed by a Portuguese lunch in the hall. It was heart warming to see so many from our community together for fun and fellowship. Our Gallery has plenty of photos of this wonderful celebration of community, faith, and culture.
KC 61st Annual Charity Appeal
The 2022/23 Knights of Columbus Charity Appeal has been launched! The Raffle runs until January 28, 2023 with three early bird draws. Total prizes are $100,000. First prize is a vehicle – a 2023 Toyota RAV4 2nd prize is $30,000 3rd is $10,000 4th is $5,000 Plus ten $1,000 prizes Plus Early Bird Tickets are $5 and can be bought online. Click the one of the links below to support the council of your choosing: Knights of Columbus Council #…