Diocese News (Page 2)
2022 Christmas Message from Bishop Bittman
Dear Faithful Please find attached a Christmas message from Bishop Gregory. Have a happy Christmas and a blessed New Year!
Canada’s Catholic Bishops Welcome Historic Visit from Pope Francis
July 29, 2022 The Bishops of Canada are thankful for Pope Francis’ historic visit to our country. He came in fulfilment of his promise to manifest by his very presence his closeness to the Indigenous Peoples of this land. This visit represents a significant milestone on the path of healing and reconciliation. In his various public and private addresses, he gave a heartfelt and solemn apology to Indigenous Peoples on behalf of the Catholic Church, spoke of his admiration for…
Assembly of Western Catholic Bishops Synod Synthesis, July 2022
The Assembly of Western Catholic Bishops (AWCB) has appointed a writing team to receive Synod reports from these 22 local churches to synthesize into a single report for western Canada. The reports present a remarkable snapshot of the church in western Canada at this time. While the particular context of each report influenced the issues and perspectives they describe, a substantial consistency is found across these dioceses. In this synthesis, the team reports on what has been heard in these…
Sea Sunday
On the second Sunday in July every year Christian communities celebrate Sea Sunday. Today we call to mind the essential work of more than a million seafarers who work on ships transporting goods around the world every day of the year.
Care for Our Common Home
The Commission for Doctrine of the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops received the task of preparing a theological and pastoral resource on the theme of “care for our common home.” This resource is designed to assist our brother Bishops in developing their own ministry of teaching as well as their pastoral response to the current environmental crisis. To this end, the members of the Commission have chosen to create a resource based on tools already produced by other episcopal conferences…
July 2022 Schedule for Pope’s Visit to Canada
The attached document provides details regarding the Pope’s visit to Canada in July 2022, including his schedule. The Holy Father’s pilgrimage will focus on Indigenous healing and reconciliation while also providing the shepherd of the world’s 1.2 billion Catholics an opportunity to encounter the faithful in Canada.
From the Office of Bishop Gregory Bittman
Dear Priests, Religious Sisters, Deacons, Parish/Diocesan/Schools Staff, and Parishioners, Peace! I share with you the following news from Bishop’s office: With gratitude and appreciation for his service, the Diocese of Nelson bids farewell to Fr. Nino Tuyo after five years of dedicated ministry in the Fruitvale/Rossland parishes. Fr. Nino returns to his home Diocese of Legazpi at the end of June. Thank you Fr. Nino and may God continue to bless you and your ministry in the Church! Safe travels…
Canada’s Catholic Bishops Welcome Pope Francis’ Apology to Indigenous Peoples
The Holy Father expressed “sorrow and shame” for the abuse and lack of respect for Indigenous identities, culture and spiritual values in the residential school system. He said, “I ask for God’s forgiveness and I want to say to you with all my heart: I am very sorry. And I join my brothers, the Canadian bishops, in asking your pardon.” Read the full press release on the CCCB website.
Encounters of Hope Webinar Series
Register now for CCCB’s Encounters of Hope April 5-26, a weekly 4-part series exploring the 4 stages of faith development. Ideal for those in ministry, evangelization, or catechesis, and relevant to the mission of every Catholic. Evangelization – Encounters of Hope The Art of Accompaniment Catechesis – Echoes of Hope Missionary Discipleship – Hope to the World. Registration is free and closes March 21.
CCCB Statement on the Russian Invasion of Ukraine
Please see the attached statement…