Development and Peace Regional Assembly

Development and Peace Regional Assembly

You are warmly invited to this year’s Development and Peace Regional Assembly. The event will take place over the weekend of September 22 – 24, 2023 at Little Flower Academy in Deroche, B.C. (Just outside of Mission).

This will be our first in-person assembly since the beginning of the pandemic, so we look forward to gathering together once again! This weekend is an open invitation to both new friends and veteran members of Development and Peace. We are hoping to create a weekend retreat full of awareness raising around different social issues impacting our world, as well as meaningful spiritual reflection and opportunities to socialize. So, if you know someone who might be interested in this weekend gathering, please let them know. You are welcome to forward this information within your local networks.

Attached is a registration form, as well as a draft of our plans for the weekend. The draft is still a work in progress, but provides some more detailed information about the weekend.

Development and Peace – Registration Form 2023
Development and Peace – Updated DRAFT Call to Regional Retreat Assembly 2023

Once we have a sense of how many will be attending, we will be able to confirm what the cost per-person will be. So in the coming weeks I will send a follow up e-mail to those who have registered about what the costs will be. They should be quite low (around $100.00 per person). And we are planning to leave enough in our budget to subsidize those who may be unable to cover those costs. We apologise for not being able to confirm a total just yet.

We will also try to get you a formal agenda very soon once we have confirmed our special guests.

If you have any questions about registration, please be in touch with Jeremy (

We hope to see you there in September 🙂

The Regional Assembly planning committee.