Melinda Edis — Our Warmest Farewell

Melinda Edis — Our Warmest Farewell

On Wednesday, June 21, we will bid farewell to our Parish Secretary, Melinda Edis, who has served the Catholic Parishes of Penticton for 11 years.

Melinda has faithfully greeted and assisted parishioners when they call or stop by the parish office. She has kept us informed about the things happening in our parishes and has managed our parish office well.

Melinda has decided it is time for a new adventure, to start a new chapter in her life. She will certainly be missed. We won’t forget all the wonderful ways she has made a positive difference for so many who have sought her assistance throughout the years. I, personally, am grateful to her for assisting me as we served our parishes together.

I invite you join to us for a reception to bid Melinda farewell on Monday, June 26th, following the performance of Les Petits Chanteurs at St. John Vianney.

Melinda, we wish you well and pray for blessings of good health, peace and joy.

Your brother,

Fr. Obi

Time for Change

After much prayer and deliberation personally and with my family, I have decided that it is time for me to leave my position as the secretary in the Parish Office; my last day will be June 21, 2023.

I want to thank everyone I have met and worked with. By the grace of God, I have been able to serve you for the past 11 years, but it is now time for Carla Deschamps & Julie Pellizzari to take over. I trust that you will show them the same kindness that I received.

Thank you,

Melinda Edis