Gratitude, Welcome Home, & Stuff

Gratitude, Welcome Home, & Stuff

Healing Mass: We received testimonies of healing, grace and peace from those who attended. Praise God! Next healing Mass will be on October 4 (Feast of St. Francis) at St. Ann at 7pm.

Blessing of Animals: October 4 at 9am. No morning Mass.

Gratitude: I would like to express our gratitude to:

  1. Prayer Group: for organizing the time of fellowship after healing Mass
  2. Anonymous Parishioner: who donated fruits that were sold to raise money for Youth Ministry
  3. Choir: for continuing to sing throughout the summer and always making our liturgy beautiful and meaningful.
  4. Malcolm Rodrigues: for joining our music ministry and for playing in all the Masses on the September long weekend. We welcome his wife, Lorretta who is visiting from Toronto this weekend.
  5. Parents and Parishioners: for joining us at the school Mass, for procession and BBQ after procession.

Funeral prep: Watch for this in next week’s bulletin

Welcome Home: Every Sunday is a ‘Homecoming’ Sunday. Invite someone to Mass. Our Heavenly Father loves to welcome us home. He actually throws a party : )

Your brother,

Fr. Obi