Healing Mass: We received testimonies of healing, grace and peace from those who attended. Praise God! Next healing Mass will be on October 4 (Feast of St. Francis) at St. Ann at 7pm.
Blessing of Animals: October 4 at 9am. No morning Mass.
Gratitude: I would like to express our gratitude to:
- Prayer Group: for organizing the time of fellowship after healing Mass
- Anonymous Parishioner: who donated fruits that were sold to raise money for Youth Ministry
- Choir: for continuing to sing throughout the summer and always making our liturgy beautiful and meaningful.
- Malcolm Rodrigues: for joining our music ministry and for playing in all the Masses on the September long weekend. We welcome his wife, Lorretta who is visiting from Toronto this weekend.
- Parents and Parishioners: for joining us at the school Mass, for procession and BBQ after procession.
Funeral prep: Watch for this in next week’s bulletin
Welcome Home: Every Sunday is a ‘Homecoming’ Sunday. Invite someone to Mass. Our Heavenly Father loves to welcome us home. He actually throws a party : )
Your brother,
Fr. Obi