To Love & Serve

My dear beloved brothers and sisters,

Praise to you Lord Jesus Christ!

Happy All Hallow‘sTide!

We just celebrated these three days; All Hallow’s Eve, All Hallows’ Day and All Souls’ Day which collectively is called All Hallow’s Tide: honoring the saints and praying for all the departed souls. For the whole month of November, please include in your prayers all your loved ones and friends who have gone before us.

In our Gospel from Mark 12: 28-34, we are invited to reflect and live out the two greatest commandments – to love God and to love our neighbor. Jesus said, “there is no other commandment greater than these”, just as there is no other way by which people can live in peace and harmony. Loving God is indeed the foundation of all because God is the beginning, and end of all. But not only loving God – we don’t stop there. We need to put into action our loving, by loving our neighbor. These commandments are not easy, we need help from God – His strength and His guidance, so that we will be faithful in our loving.

We can recite these words from Psalm 18 “I Love You, O Lord, my Strength.” Yes, we love God and only God with all that we have. I remember an old prayer that says; “God of power and mercy, only with your help can we offer you fitting service and praise.” Meaning, with God’s help we can praise and we can serve, for God makes all things possible. Reminding us that we need Him, for He is our strength and salvation, and He loves us more than we can ever love Him. God calls us to be with Him forever, trying our best to love and serve. AMEN

Points of interest:

  • We are grateful for your continued donations to Mary’s Pantry. Your support of those struggling at this time is one way to show your love to others.
  • We continue to ask for your support of the Pilgrimage of Faith. If you require assistance, please call the Parish Office.
  • All current ministers who participate in the ministries at St. Ann’s are asked to attend a training session – see page 2 of the bulletin for the details.

God Loves You!


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