COVID-19 Virus Information


The obligation to attend Sunday Mass has been suspended in the Diocese of Nelson. All churches and parish offices are closed until further notice. There will be NO public Masses or celebrations in our churches during this period, however, we are live streaming them over the Internet.

May 30, 2020: With great joy we are able to announce that we are re-opening of our churches for Sunday Liturgy on June 6/7.

For Our Parishes

We are receiving ongoing guidance from Bishop Gregory regarding COVID19.

The following procedures be put into effect for the well-being of our diocesan family:

  • The closure of our parishes and parish offices, including:
    • ALL public weekday and weekend Masses are cancelled. Our Sunday obligation to attend Mass has been suspended until further notice.
    • The churches are closed for private prayer.
    • Adoration is cancelled.
  • All penitential celebrations inside our churches are cancelled. Priests will remain available to hear confessions if absolutely necessary, but social distancing is to be observed and the use of the confessional is prohibited.
  • All parish missions and retreats in the Diocese are cancelled.
  • All celebrations of Baptism, First Eucharist, First Reconciliation, and Confirmation are postponed.
  • All catechetical and sacramental classes for both children and adults are cancelled.
  • To make your Parish weekly contributions to help in our operating costs and paying of bills, completed Stewardship Authorized Giving (SAG) forms or cheques can be dropped off before 2pm on weekdays in the secured mailbox in front of the rectory. It will be checked and emptied at the end of each day. You may also use our online giving service supplied by
  • For those involved in sick calls, visiting people in isolation, or anointings, please refer to the Bishops letter dated March 24th for details (links at the bottom of this page).
  • Funerals may be celebrated in our churches, but participation needs to be limited to family members and remain in compliance with current directives from the health authorities.

Other Schedule Changes

Unless otherwise noted, the following changes are in effect until further notice:

  • Family Night: We are cancelling Family Night until further notice. Sorry for the inconvenience.
  • Canadian Food for Children: CFFC is closed effective March 14th for the next two weeks and we will assess the situation at the point.

Videos and Live Stream of Celebrations and Activities

We are now using live streaming and video for some of our celebrations. Please refer to our Events section of the website for details. Also, see our Get Connected! pages for details on how to remain connected to your Parish community during these unusual times.

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From the Diocese of Nelson

The Diocese has setup a page on their website to provide up-to-date information and how the COVID-19 virus may affect our parish life.

Helpful Links
