The Parish As A Family – Our Special Celebrations

The Parish As A Family – Our Special Celebrations

My vision of our parish is that of a family. Every parish is a family where God is our Father and Mary our Mother. We are brothers and sisters. And we have some of our brothers and sisters already in heaven – the saints – who cheer us on in our life’s journey.

In every family, we celebrate our special days – birthdays, anniversaries, graduations etc.

Next week – September 8 – is the birthday of our Blessed Mother. Wouldn’t it be wonderful to sing happy birthday to her after Mass? We plan to do so after all the weekend Masses. We will present flowers to her as a birthday present. We will say the Rosary before each Mass. Our Rosaries will also be our birthday present to her.

After Mass, we will go to the hall to cut our Lady’s birthday cake. We will also celebrate all those in our parishes who celebrate their birthdays in July, August and September. We will also celebrate Marriage Anniversaries for the months of July, August and September.

Please join us in making these celebrations a true family celebration. Through occasions like this, we continue to build our family up in love and unity.

This is the plan for all the Masses

In St. Ann’s:

  • 5pm Saturday & 11am Sunday: A potluck. Please bring something to share: main dish, side dish, dessert etc.

In St. John Vianney:

  • 9am Sunday: Pancake breakfast by the K of C

In Sacred Heart:

  • 1pm Sunday: Fr will provide goodies

Thank you.

Your brother,

Fr. Obi