My dear brothers and sisters,
Praise to you Lord Jesus the King of the Universe!
The solemnity of Jesus Christ as King of the Universe always marks the end of our
Church’s liturgical calendar. Next Sunday, we begin the season of Advent, the time
of expectation for the birth of the Messiah – Emmanuel. Today’s feast highlights are
for us to put all things under Jesus’ feet, and to acclaim Him as the Alpha
(beginning) and the Omega (end) of our lives.
Do we really acknowledge Jesus as King? Whether we acknowledge Him as King
or not, He remains the be King. This solemnity is not for Jesus but it is for us, that
is why it is important for us to be reminded that after this earthly life we are going
to the Kingdom that Jesus prepare for us. Is Jesus really the King in your life? Is He
really enthroned in your hearts?
Look around us, we have so many distractions that become our kings and queens –
someone or something that dominates our lives today. Does Jesus really have a
place in us? On this weekend we are reminded to honestly discern – what or who
holds first place in our hearts?
God Loves You!
Fr. Neil