My beloved brothers & sisters,
As you know, just this Thursday we had our annual “March for Life”. After the 9am Mass we gathered at the front of St. Ann’s Church and we prayed the four mysteries of the Rosary – while holding the placards with the invitation of respecting life. Let us make our pro-life stance visible and impactful and together, let’s stand for life!
This weekend we celebrate Jesus’ ascension, which marks the climax of His glorification, but it does not mean that he has severed his relationship with us. It only means that, while still remaining the great “protagonist” in the history of salvation, Jesus recedes for a time into the background to let the members of the Church play their role in building God’s Kingdom with a greater sense of responsibility. All of us are involved in this great enterprise which is the core of God’s plan for all of us. Now, that we no longer have the literal, physical presence of Jesus with us, He is nevertheless present in us through various other ways: in our liturgical gatherings, in His Word, and in the Holy Eucharist (The Mass). We can also say, to some extent, that Jesus is the human person, in each and every one of us. We need to do our share in the construction of God’s Kingdom by contributing to the proclamation of the Gospel and by making the Kingdom present through a life of authentic Christian witness.
On this weekend, we also observe the 58th World Communications Sunday. Let us keep in our prayers all the Media practitioners, social media influencers, and the recipients of their service as well as all those affected by their service . This is also a wonderful opportunity to show our love and gratitude to our mother, as we celebrate Mother’s Day. We will do that not only by offering them flowers and hugs, but also by praying for them, especially in this Eucharistic celebration.
God Loves You!
– Fr. NEIL