Office Musings…

Like Elvis, Father Obi has finally left the building for a well deserved vacation! He must really love Penticton and the people here, as we here at the office were beginning to think he would be vacationing at the rectory. As we spend this weekend giving thanks for the many blessings that God has bestowed upon us, let us also give thanks for our wonderful Father Obi. He shepherds our parishes with thoughtful discernment, selfless dedication and great love. We are very blessed to have him here with us in Penticton.

Let us also give thanks for our ever stalwart Father Harry who will be holding down the fort next week. We are blessed by his humour, enthusiasm and steady, wise leadership.

As Father Harry is away in Cranbrook for this weekend, let us warmly welcome Father Sebastian Puthenpura. He is a retired priest serving at Immaculate Conception Church in Kelowna and will be celebrating this weekend’s masses.

Let us give thanks for the vocation of the priesthood.

As we continue to move forward through the pandemic, we are very pleased to announce that many of our parish programs are being offered again. Our parishes are buzzing with activity as we once again journey together, living out our beautiful faith in person. However, with this comes a great need for volunteers. As many hands make light work, we invite you to join us by volunteering in activities like, children’s liturgy, youth group, and cleaning/maintaining our parishes, just to name a few. Please check the insert for a list of our parish ministry opportunities and contact information; or call the office at 250-492-3169

As Jesus multiplied the loaves and fishes, may He multiply our time and effort, which He has given us for the building of His kingdom.

We, here at the Parish Office, wish you a very blessed Thanksgiving weekend. May the Lord stir up in your heart the spirit of gratitude for our many blessings.

Let us give thanks for faith, community and love.

Happy Thanksgiving,

Pastoral Staff