We Are Witnesses

My dear sisters and brothers in Christ Jesus,

Have you encountered the Risen Lord in your life? Whatever encounter it would be, as long as you experience the Risen Jesus’ presence, that is good enough. But if you haven’t encountered Jesus, try praying and asking Jesus to come to you in the moment
you need Him. On this third Sunday of Easter, we continue to meet the Risen Jesus.
He sets the hearts of His disciples at peace and opens their minds to understand the
message of the Scriptures. “The two disciples told the eleven and their companions
what had happened on the road to Emmaus, and how Jesus had been made known to
them in the breaking of the bread.
” (Luke 24:35)

The Risen Jesus indeed continues to touch our lives as He did for His disciples after
the resurrection. As Jesus, reminds us today that “You are witnesses of these things.
How can we become effective witnesses of Jesus’ Resurrection? I would suggest

  1. Repentance: St. Peter mention that in our 1st reading from Acts of the Apostles 3:19, “Repent therefore, and turn to God so that your sins may be wiped out.” Repentance will lead us to Peace, Serenity and Inner Tranquility.
  2. Retell: the story of Jesus, because His is the Greatest story ever told. Don’t keep it in yourself because when we share Jesus’ story we are spreading love and peace, we strengthen our faith in the Son of the God.
  3. Remember: Jesus always reminds us in the Eucharist, “Do this in memory of me.” Come to Mass if you have time – if possible every day, not only on Sunday. At Mass, we listen to God’s Word and remember His marvelous things He has done for us.

Thus, we are called to be Witnesses of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ. May we
repent for our sins, retell the story of our salvation and remember the things the Lord
Jesus has done for us. When we celebrate the Eucharist, we “recount,” we hear, and
we proclaim “what we all have seen and heard,” and we do the breaking of the bread
“in memory of Jesus” who rose once and for all for our sins and our salvation.


God Loves You!

~ Fr. NEIL