Pilgrimage of Faith 2022

Pilgrimage of Faith 2022

Annually an appeal is made to the people of the Diocese for financial support for diocesan projects not covered by donations to parish collections. We call this annual appeal the Pilgrimage of Faith. Please, watch our Campaign video created in 2021 to hear how your contributions go to work in our diocese.

Our 2021 Pilgrimage of Faith campaign was quite the success.

Our 2022 campaign is now complete.

Diocese GoalParish GoalTotalFunds RaisedFunds Returning to Parish
St. Ann’s$43,050$20,000$63,050$73,106$30,056
St. John Vianney$14,650$20,000$34,650$40,735$26,085
Fundraising Status as of January 6, 2023


Nelson Diocese is situated in one of the most beautiful places on earth. Will it be an overstatement to say that we actually live in the best place on earth – Beautiful British Columbia? When I travel round our diocese, I see how much God has blessed us. In gratitude to Him, together as a diocesan family, we continue the work of God through our Pilgrimage of Faith. Pilgrimage of faith as the name suggests is much more than money: it is our journey of faith together by which we use the gift God has given us to advance His Kingdom. From the East Kootenays to the West Kootenays, from the South to the North Okanagan, the work of God continues. For God and with God, we have accomplished so much in these areas:

  1. Catholic Education for our young ones.
  2. Catechism
  3. Adult Faith Formation
  4. Retired Priests: helping them to retire with dignity and with a smile
  5. Youth Ministry
  6. Training and formation of Seminarians
  7. Evangelization
  8. Teachers and Catechists: training and spiritual formation
  9. First Nations Ministry
  10. Seton House of Prayer: a place of renewal and our spiritual power house etc.

Each parish is given a fundraising goal by the Diocese. The funds raised are used for the programs mentioned above. Any funds raised in excess of the Diocesan goal for each parish are returned to the parish to be used for local priorities.


St. Ann

We have not put together our 2022 campaign priorities for St. Ann.

St. John Vianney

This year we will be turning our gaze to the exterior of the Church.

The concrete pathway leading to the hall is breaking up and the adjacent paver blocks are sinking in some areas. This poses a trip hazard to all but especially our more senior parishioners. Another safety related issue is the condition of the metal railings at the main entrance of the church which date back to the construction of the church 57 years ago and which are rusting out in a number of areas, especially around the base.

Also included on our priority list for 2022 is the replacement of the windows in the main entrance of the church (which also date back to 1965) with sealed, energy efficient ones that will improve both the look and energy efficiency of the entranceway. The frames holding the windows will also need to be replaced as they are showing signs of wood rot and weakness.

And finally, we are hoping to develop a landscaping plan to improve visibility (security-wise) and overall appearance of our grounds.