To: The Faithful of the Nelson Diocese
For a number of years, the Pilgrimage of Faith Appeal has been running from October 1 to September 30th. The timing of the appeal has led to numerous challenges on many levels, especially when it comes to adhering to Revenue Canada guidelines and expectations.
A review of the timing of donations to the appeal show that the majority of donations are received during October to December. We believe that this has more to do with maximizing one’s charitable tax receipts than the timing of the launch of the POF Appeal. By starting the appeal in January, many difficulties currently being experienced are removed. Donors can still donate at any time during the year at a time that is convenient for them.
The current campaign will end on September 30th, 2019. During the months of October – December 2019, there will be no active campaign due to the realignment of the appeal to January 2020. For the balance of 2019, if you choose to donate during the October – December months, your donation
will be gratefully accepted for the benefit of diocesan programs.
- Cheques should be made payable to The Roman Catholic Bishop of Nelson.
- You may also choose to donate by credit card or by e-transfer.
- E-transfers through your banking platform can be sent to: and the security question answer should be ‘’appeals”. - Credit card payments can be made through choosing the Pilgrimage of Faith Appeal Fund.
- Or you can complete the credit card portion of the donation cards available at your parish.
- E-transfers through your banking platform can be sent to:
Donors may alternatively give directly to their parish.
Please remember that your support is vital to the needs of the diocese and its mission to evangelize and help others to know Christ. It is hoped that you will embrace the intentions of this change and continue to support the programs of the diocese that are assisted through our Pilgrimage of Faith Appeal.
Thank you and God bless.
Bishop Gregory J Bittman
Marina Smith, Appeals and Special Projects Coordinator
Update from the Diocesan Appeals and Special Projects Office
The Pilgrimage of Faith Appeal Office has a new name! In order to coordinate diocesan fundraising efforts in the diocese, they will now be handled by the Diocesan Appeals and Special Projects Office.
Contact details for this office are:
- Co-ordinator: Marina Smith
- Telephone: 250-448-2725 x 240
- General E-mail:
- Personal E-mail:
Please mark your calendars for these upcoming events:
“Bishop’s Dinner in the Kootenays” – This ticketed event is in the planning stages for October 19 2019 in Cranbrook and is open to the entire Diocese.
“Bishop’s Family Day BBQ” – This ticketed family event is tentatively scheduled for May 30th, 2020 in Kelowna at the Fr. Pandosy Mission/CPC grounds. This event is open to the entire diocese.
“Bishop’s Dinner in the Okanagan” – This ticketed event is in the planning stages for October 2020.
All the above noted events will be fundraisers for needed enhancements at Seton House, CCO ministry support and seed funding for parish youth ministry. There will be more details to follow. Volunteers to assist with planning and execution of these events are always needed and welcomed. If you would like
to participate in the planning processes, please contact the coordinator at the noted contacts above.
The financial report for the Pilgrimage of Faith Appeal for 2018 is as follows:
Office of Faith Formation | $ 61,512 |
Seton House of Prayer | $104,000 |
Youth | $ 51,304 |
Office of the Judicial Vicar | $ 34,800 |
Clergy Pension Supplement | $ 46,635 |
Social and Pastoral Grants | $ 12,000 |
Assistance to Priests | $ 12,726 |
Vocations | $ 37,622 |
Communications | $ 29,022 |
Lay Training | $ 8,638 |
Capital Development Rebates | $100,000 |
Catholic Schools Building Fund | $ 28,000 |
Administration | $ 38,741 |
Total | $565,000 |