I write to thank you for the farewell and welcome celebrations
you held for Fr. Neil and me. I’m so grateful for your love,
kindness, words of encouragement, blessings and prayers.
Forever, I will carry in my heart memories of the love I’ve
I am gradually settling in in Kelowna. The house is still strange
but I know I will get used to it. Few nights ago, I woke up at
4am. I was looking around but could not recognize where I
was 🙂 It took me some seconds to realize that I was no longer
in Penticton. This is St. Pius.
Though we are no longer physically together, please be assured
that you will forever hold a special place in my heart. I will
forever cherish the memories we have created together. Truly
our spiritual connection in the Most Holy Trinity will remain
strong. The love of Jesus will always unite us.
You are in my prayers. Please continue to pray for me and for
your new pastor – Fr. Neil.
Please when you are in Kelowna, and you have the time, please
come and say hi. I think I’m getting better in making good
coffee and tea. Who knows, there might even be ice-cream. Not
sure about whisky, though ☺
Thank you again for your love and for allowing me to serve
and journey alongside you as your brother and pastor.
Your brother,
Fr. Obi