Pentecost Sunday… Come Holy Spirit!

Pentecost Sunday… Come Holy Spirit!

Beloved Parishioners, This is a grace-filled weekend for our parishes as we celebrate the Solemnity of Pentecost, 50 days after Easter. Pentecost brings an end to the Easter Season. On Monday, ordinary time begins as we celebrate the Feast of Mary, Mother of the Church. A new feast introduced a few years ago by Pope Francis. Though it is a Monday, we will have a public Mass in St. Ann’s at 8.15am.

We rejoice today on the occasion of the First Holy Communion Class of 2023. Their names are on page 4. We congratulate them and their families.

The African proverb has it that it takes a village to raise a child… Thank you all for the part you have played in helping the parents to raise the children and to bring them to Jesus. Immense thanks to Sue Burgess for once again teaching the children. We also thank Mollyo Nordine our grade 2 teacher for teaching and preparing the children at the school. We cannot thank our indefatigable coordinator, Dianna Gin, enough. God bless you all.

We are grateful to Jesus for today. My prayer for them this year is that they may come to know Jesus in a deep and personal way and to serve Him as young apostles and to see themselves always as partners in spreading the Goodnews. Let us join the young ones in the first Holy Communion prayer on page 3. Also on page 3 is St. Therese of Lisieux First Holy Communion experience which has helped me over the years in my own journey with our Eucharistic Lord. I hope you find it helpful and enriching, too.

Every Pentecost, we read from the Acts of the Apostles thatWhen the day of Pentecost had come….suddenly from heaven there came a sound like the rush of violent wind….divided tongues as of fire appeared among them, and a tongue rested on each of them’ Rush of violent wind…this was something for the ear…it was heard….tongues ….something was seen…Indeed, when the Holy Spirit comes, there will be manifestation. He is never hidden. But I’m drawn this year to one line that really captures the essence of Pentecost, and this line can be easily missed. It says: ‘All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit.’ The Holy Spirit is the love of the Father and the Son who is now personified. When the Holy Spirit comes, we are filled with love. As Paul says in Romans 5:5 ‘The love of God has been poured into our hearts by the Holy Spirit who has been given to us.’ Can you recall that moment, maybe you were in the Church praying or you read something, or you heard from a homily or you went on a retreat and suddenly deep down in your heart, you knew you are loved, that you are precious, that you matter to God. When that happens, that is your personal Pentecost. My prayer is that today’s feast will bring all of us a renewed awareness of God’s love. Come to Mass with expectation, pray and ask in a new way: ‘Come Holy Spirit, fill my heart, enkindle in me the fire of your love.

Perfect love casts out all fears. The apostles now leave the upper room where they were because of fear and then launched out to evangelize. Something in them has been activated. The Holy Spirit activates charisms in us. What’s your own charism? Outreach, hospitality, teaching, healing, miracle etc? Are you using it to build up the Church? If not, let’s begin. You can discern with me so we can find out what your charisms are so that we can together serve our Lord in our parish and community. You matter, you are precious, you are loved! Happy Birthday of the Church to everyone!

Santacruzan: Join us this Saturday, May 27 as we celebrate ‘Nothing More Beautiful: Faith and Culture’ The Filipino Community is inviting us to celebrate with them. This is indeed a community celebration as we all grow in our faith in Jesus and love for Him and one another. Parade begins in the parking lot at 2:30. Potluck dinner after Mass. See the Bishop’s letter below.

Prayer, Pasta & Holy Land Pilgrimage Reminiscing date has been confirmed for Wednesday, May 31st at 5pm in St. John Vianney. Pick up free tickets after all the Masses.

Happy Sunday!

Your brother, Fr. Obi

St. Ann and St. John Vianney Parishes,

Dear Fr. Sylvester,

Please extend my best wishes and God’s blessing to the Filipino community on their celebration of Flores de Mayo honouring the Blessed Virgin Mary. As God’s Mother and our Mother, she holds a special place in our spiritual and devotional life.

On this happy occasion, the Church is happy to welcome everyone with great joy, especially those whose life’s journey has brought them to St. Ann’s Church for this celebration. Know that everyone, whether Catholic or of another faith background, is always welcome at our Catholic parishes in Penticton, not only today, but always. Please feel at home in our parishes. We are family for anyone looking for a place to call home, we extend our hand to you and an embrace of welcome.

Sincerely in Christ,

Gregory J Bittman
Bishop of Nelson