Listen to God’s Voice

My dear friends,

Praise be Jesus Christ now and forever!

This weekend we celebrate Jesus’ baptism in the river Jordan. We refer to this as the second “epiphany,” which is the second manifestation of His identity and mission. God the Father’s voice revealed that Jesus is the “Beloved Son”, filled with the Spirit of God, who was sent to “bring forth justice to the nations.”

Jesus’ mission entails taking it upon Himself to save us from our sinfulness, as foretold in the book of prophet Isaiah. Jesus’ baptism reminds us of our own baptism when God the Father proclaimed over us: “You are my beloved child!” which entitles us to fulfill our mission by constantly listening to God’s voice.

As Christians, we are called to constant attentiveness.

  • We quiet down and listen to the Liturgy of the Word.
  • We come into contemplation mode and commune with God on a daily basis.
  • We pray vocally using words, but even in vocal prayer, we need to be attentive to the subtle guidance of the Holy Spirit.

Let us pray with gratitude and love that we may listen to the voice of God the Father this weekend so that we may have eternal life. I encourage each and everyone of you to spend time each day this week to be attentive and listen to God’s voice.

Let us pray:

Have a blessed week! God Loves You!

~ Fr. NEIL