Let the Power of His Grace Bear Fruit in Our Lives

Let the Power of His Grace Bear Fruit in Our Lives

My dear friends,

Praise be Jesus Christ now and forever!

In our Gospel reading this weekend, Jesus proclaimed the Word of God with unique power and urgency – with authority. His words touched the hearts of His audience and changed their lives. His deeds matched His words. The power of Jesus’ Words and Deeds has not abated after more than two thousand years. His Words are perfectly effective today, in the era of information technology and space exploration. Jesus’ Words can still set our hearts on fire. His actions in the sacraments can still set us free from the slavery of sin and make the Kingdom of God present in the lives of individuals and society.

Thus, Happy are we who listen to God’s Word and let the power of His grace bear fruit in our lives! Just as the Words of Jesus reveal the Wisdom of God, so does the miracle revealed in our Gospel excerpt reveal God’s Holiness. He is the anti-evil in all its manifestations. The mission assigned to Him by God the Father is to set us free from every form of enslavement and oppression. Blessed are we whose lives are touched by Jesus’ Holy power!

Have a blessed week! God Loves you!

~ Fr. Neil