Holy Cross and Ants

My dear brothers & sisters,

Just this September 14 (Thursday) was the Feast of the Exaltation of the CROSS -”We adore You, O Christ, and we bless You. Because by Your Holy Cross, You have redeemed the world”.

Our school (Holy Cross) celebrated their feast with full of enthusiasm, we had our School Mass and on the last hour of the day we bless and Exalted the Cross in front of our School.


  1. 5 ants + 5 ants = Tenants
  2. To bring an ant from another country into your country = Important
  3. Ant that goes to school = Brilliant
  4. Ant that is looking for a job = Applicant
  5. A spy ant = Informant
  6. A very little ant = Infant
  7. An ant that uses a gun = Militant
  8. An ant that is a specialist = Consultant
  9. A proud ant = Arrogant
  10. An ant that is cruel and oppressive = Tyrant
  11. An ant that is friendly and lovely = Coolant
  12. An ant that has changed from evil to good deeds = Repentant
  13. An ant that accumulated so much food in summer for use in winter = Abundant
  14. An ant that isn’t willing = Reluctant
  15. An ant that keeps financial account = Accountant
  16. An ant that occupies a flat = Occupant
  17. A huge ant = Giant
  18. An ant that is important = Significant
  19. An ant that has big legs = Elephant
  20. A sarcastic ant = Mordant
  21. An extremely fast ant = Instant
  22. A noisy ant = Rant
  23. An ant that doesn’t keep moving = Constant
  1. A dirty ant = Pollutant
  2. An ant that annoys = Irritant
  3. An ant that lacks knowledge= Ignorant
  4. An ant that can take anything without complaining= Tolerant
  5. An ant that wastes resources= Extravagant
  6. A very careful ant = Vigilant
  7. An ant that maintains good odour = Deodorant
  8. An ant that finds it hard to move = adamant
  9. An ant that refused to move = Redundant
  10. An ant that is into business = Merchant 34.
    A Political ant = Aspirant
  11. An ant that sues someone to court =Complainant

Don’t spoil the fun. Add yours….J

  1. An ant that serves others = servant.
    Best wishes to all English Language teachers…

Pray for me as I pray for you. God Loves you and God Bless you!
~ Fr. Neil