My beloved brothers and sisters,
Praise to you Lord Jesus Christ!
Happy Father’s Day! This weekend we pray and express our gratitude for all our fathers living and those who are gone before us. May God the Father who is and who was a great model of fatherly love be with them, to protect and blessing them. This is a wonderful opportunity for us to express our love for all the fathers in the world, especially our own.
In our Gospel, Jesus uses images that speak to us of our potential to be active members in its mission – building the Kingdom of God here on earth. Having faith in God is always about having a personal encounter with Him – having a relationship with Him. The Kingdom of God, the image of a growing seed used in our Gospel highlights the idea of potential. We all know seeds grow into something much bigger. If we allow our relationship with God to grow and mature, we can experience a fulfilling relationship within the bounds of the Kingdom of God.
God continues to work with us on a personal basis so that we can be formed according to our gifts, talents and calling, preparing us to contribute to the work of the Kingdom of God. As disciples of Jesus we should seek to learn where our next growth opportunity will be and focus our attention on it. It is now up to us to take responsibility for this aspect of our faith – to build the Kingdom of God in our time.
We are invited to recognize the wonders of God’s Kingdom with our marvelous gifts, which are rooted in the love of the God. In all our Eucharistic celebrations this weekend, we will praise God for the marvelous growth of the Kingdom in ourselves and around us. We will also thank Him for having made us not only witnesses of these wonders, but also His humble partners in facilitating the growth of the Kingdom.
God Loves You!