My dear brothers and sisters,
Praise to you Lord Jesus Christ!
Happy Canada Day everyone! I hope and pray that you and your family have a blessed and wonderful time to enjoy the sun, this summer season.
Our readings this weekend, give us an example of hope – hope that is tied up with faith in God. A God who is compassionate, who is close to the brokenhearted, the suffering and to those who are in pain. Just this Thursday I was in Oliver to be with the family whose funeral we celebrated – he is only 26 years old. Death is one of the inescapable sad realities of our life. It is particularly hurting when it snatches away people who are young or are specially strong or needed in a family or society.
Our faith tells us that suffering and death are not part of God’s original plan for all of us. They were introduced into our life by the devil when he convinced the first human beings to disobey God’s instructions. Their destructive presence is further strengthened every time we sin. But there is good news for those who believe . . . “that for [our] sake, Christ Jesus became poor though He was rich, so that by His poverty [we] might become rich.” (2nd reading). Yes . . . we are told that there is a meaning to pain and suffering, even if we cannot see it fully at the moment of our need. But the psalmist, inspired and strengthened by his faith and hope reminds us, too: “I will extol you, Lord, for you have raised me up.”
Our God in whom we believe does not want death and suffering because He is a “GOD OF LIFE.” He wants that all of us may have life and have it to the full. (See John 10:10.) Such is the message of the First Reading and the Gospel. The Lord, proved once and for all, then and now, for all days and for always – that our God is a God of compassion. “For God created [us] for incorruption.” Do we have reason to be afraid? In this weekend’s Eucharistic celebration, let us be thankful to the Lord God for the gifts of life and wholeness in mind and body. Let us also pray that all of us may enjoy these blessings. AMEN.
God Loves You! – Fr. NEIL