I have found these days really warm – to my liking. No need for vitamin D these days. The heat this time of the year in some places has broken records. Please stay cool and send me the heat instead.
As summer approaches, permit me to share with you the exciting upcoming events we have.
May 27 @ 2.30: Flores de Mayo (Santacruzan) Filipino Faith and Cultural Event to honour our Lady, bring our faith out in the open, and bring glory to God. Everyone is invited. Due to limited space for dinner in the hall after Mass, please phone the parish to get a free ticket. Details in bulletin insert. The Filipino community invites us – St. John Vianney and St. Ann’s Parish to come and celebrate with them. We are family. The Bishop planned to be here but celebrating Confirmation that day. He sent a beautiful letter that will be read on that day.
May 28: Pentecost Sunday. First Holy Communion at the 11am Mass. Please pray for our First Holy Communion children and their families. See names in bulletin insert pg.4.
Prayer, Pasta and Holy Land Pilgrimage Reminiscing—May 30 or 31 (Date & time to be confirmed)
Join us for an evening of prayer and meal after which we’ll show pictures and videos of our Holy Land experience. It is all about sharing our faith and growing in love for Jesus and for one another.
June 11: Confirmation at St. Ann’s at 11am Mass. Please pray for the candidates and their families. See names in the bulletin insert pg.4. Each year First Holy Communion and Confirmation celebrations alternate between St. Ann’ and St. John Vianney.
Petit Chanteurs du cap choir (Children’s and Adult Choir)
We are pleased to welcome the Petit Chanteurs from Trois-Rivieres, Quebec on Monday June 26th at St. John Vianney. They are part of the Pueri Cantores Federation, a Catholic Organization. The choir chorists are boys and girls between the ages of 9 to 14 and joining them is a group of choirmen. We look forward to hearing them sing. Please follow the links below to see the choir preform on YouTube.
VBS coming to St. Ann’s Parish
Vacation Bible School summer camp runs from August 14-18. Children from kindergarten to grade 5 will explore the light Jesus shines through space themed games, crafts and snacks. For more information and registration details see the bulletin insert pg.3 or visit the event page.
I’m off this weekend for live-in retreat in Kelowna.
We welcome Fr. Jim Ratcliffe.
Happy Sunday!
Your brother,
Fr. Obi