Pastor's Messages from June 2024
God Created Us For Incorruption
My dear brothers and sisters, Praise to you Lord Jesus Christ! Happy Canada Day everyone! I hope and pray that you and your family have a blessed and wonderful time to enjoy the sun, this summer season. Our readings this weekend, give us an example of hope – hope that is tied up with faith in God. A God who is compassionate, who is close to the brokenhearted, the suffering and to those who are in pain. Just this Thursday…
Jesus is Our Hope
My dear beloved brothers and sisters, Praise to you Lord Jesus Christ! “Why are you afraid? Have you still no faith?” (Mark 4:40) These are the questions of Jesus in our Gospel this weekend. Do you have fears? When I was young, I consider these as my greatest fears; public speaking and flying on an airplane. I am scared of speaking in public because I am afraid of making mistakes; the words that I choose; my grammar and my pronunciation.…
Growth in God’s Kingdom
My beloved brothers and sisters, Praise to you Lord Jesus Christ! Happy Father’s Day! This weekend we pray and express our gratitude for all our fathers living and those who are gone before us. May God the Father who is and who was a great model of fatherly love be with them, to protect and blessing them. This is a wonderful opportunity for us to express our love for all the fathers in the world, especially our own. In our…
Do God’s Will
My brothers and sisters, Praise to you Lord Jesus Christ! One of the most tiring and burdensome problems for me is when there is disunity ina community or family. Whether it is for sports, a prayer group or community, Ieasily get frustrated when dissenting factions are present. Why? It takes so muchmore energy to move toward a goal. Friction and disagreement about the task athand easily turns personal and therefore, takes a toll on relationships and the goodwork that should…