Pastor's Messages from May 2024

Corpus Christi Sunday

Beloved sisters and brothers, The Eucharist is the Source, Center and Summit Praise to you Lord Jesus Christ! The Eucharist (Mass) is the source, center and summit of our lives – it is our LIFE. This weekend we celebrate the Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Jesus Christ. God is present to us in so many ways; in the congregation, in the priest, in the Word of God, in all Creation and in all events of life.…

Most Holy Trinity

My beloved sisters & brothers, Have a blessed Holy Trinity Sunday! This weekend, we celebrate the Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity (Trinity Sunday). It is the most fundamental mystery of our faith. We believe in one God who is a “family of persons” bound together by the most perfect love: God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. The reason why we always do the sign of the cross is because we believe in One God…

Jesus, A True Friend

My dear sisters & brothers, Praise to you Lord Jesus Christ! It was a surprising week, that we had a potluck dinner for my birthday. I am sorry for some of you who were not informed because it was a last minute decision to have a gathering. To all of you, thank so much for remembering my birthday, please continue to pray for me. (Pictures in our gallery) This weekend, we are celebrating the birthday of the Church, “Pentecost Sunday”.…

God’s Kingdom on Earth

My beloved brothers & sisters, As you know, just this Thursday we had our annual “March for Life”. After the 9am Mass we gathered at the front of St. Ann’s Church and we prayed the four mysteries of the Rosary – while holding the placards with the invitation of respecting life. Let us make our pro-life stance visible and impactful and together, let’s stand for life! This weekend we celebrate Jesus’ ascension, which marks the climax of His glorification, but…

Love Commandment

My brothers and sisters, Praise to you Lord, Jesus Christ! This weekend, I will not be celebrating Eucharist with you because I am the Spiritual Advisor for the Catholic Women’s League (CWL) Diocesan level and their Convention will be at Holy Child Parish in Summerland. Please pray for all the ladies traveling and attending this Convention. Have a Happy Sunday! In our Gospel this weekend (John 15: 9-17), the Lord Jesus continues to develop last Sunday’s idea of union with…