Pastor's Messages from March 2024

Easter Changes Everything

Dear brothers & sisters, The joy of the Resurrection fills our hearts and urges us to share it with all people. Something wonderful has happened not only to Jesus but also to us: we have risen to a new life. Our readings this weekend will lead us to a huge jump from Good Friday to Easter Sunday. 1.) Acts 10: 34-37:43, a change in Peter, from a coward who betrayed Jesus three times, to a courageous & spirited preacher of…

Easter Message and Schedule

My dear brothers and sisters, Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ! I would like to thank you for your great faith and commitment to our Lord Jesus especially during this Lenten Season going through to our Easter celebration. Our Lenten observance is almost over and I hope that your journey this Lent with prayer, fasting and almsgiving, helped you to focus on God who is so merciful and compassionate, which will lead us to forgive and be forgiven. As Pope…

The Silence of God

My sisters and brothers, We adore you Jesus Christ! This weekend is Palm Sunday, the start of our Holy Week Celebration, the most Holy week of all weeks in the year. It is because for our faith, this Holy week commemorates Jesus’ last days journey entering Jerusalem going towards Calvary, to offer His life for us to save us – the unfolding of the mystery of salvation. Palm (Passion) Sunday Celebration, has seemingly conflicting events; Jesus’ triumphant entry into Jerusalem…

Saints and Renewal

My sisters and brothers, Praise to you Lord Jesus Christ! On March 17 – Sunday this year, we will celebrate St. Patrick (an Irish saint). There were many stories about how he taught life and you probably already know—like the reason shamrocks are such a thing with the Irish people is because St. Patrick used to help them understand the notion of the Holy Trinity. One plant, three leaves—see, it actually does make sense! Also on March 19 – Tuesday…

God Loves Us!

My dear sisters and brothers, Praise to you Lord Jesus! This weekend we celebrate Laetare (means Rejoice) Sunday. We are invited to rejoice. Why? We should be rejoicing because of the joyful anticipation of the victory won by Jesus and because God loves us! He loves us so much and that makes all the difference. As we journey in this Lenten season, approaching the Holy Week, we are reminded to focus on God’s merciful love and eternal love. His love…

Be Holy as God is Holy

My beloved brothers and sisters, Praise to you Lord Jesus! On this weekend of my Priesthood Anniversary, I would like to personally thank you for your prayers and support for me. As some of you know I was ordained in St. Charles Garnier Parish in Kelowna on March 1, 2011. My parents were there for my priesthood ordination with all the priests of the Diocese of Nelson, some priests from St. Joseph seminary and neighboring dioceses with two Bishops present;…