Pastor's Messages from January 2024

Let the Power of His Grace Bear Fruit in Our Lives

My dear friends, Praise be Jesus Christ now and forever! In our Gospel reading this weekend, Jesus proclaimed the Word of God with unique power and urgency – with authority. His words touched the hearts of His audience and changed their lives. His deeds matched His words. The power of Jesus’ Words and Deeds has not abated after more than two thousand years. His Words are perfectly effective today, in the era of information technology and space exploration. Jesus’ Words…

They Call Us “The Elderly”

My dear friends, Praise to you Lord Jesus Christ! I wanted you to read this short article that I read while recovering from my flu this week. What do you think? Have a blessed week! God Loves you! ~ Fr. Neil

Come and See

My beloved brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus,     Praise God! This week we are experiencing a cold snap but this doesn’t stop us to worship and thank God for His graces that we have received. In our readings this weekend are we called to share in Jesus Christ’s Mission and Life. The two disciples of John the Baptist were invite to “Come and see.” Being a disciple of Jesus is not just a matter of learning from Him wonderful things…

Faith, Persevering Generosity and Courage

May I say once again Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all of you! This weekend we celebrate the Solemnity of the Epiphany of the Lord Jesus Christ. Epiphany means the revelation/manifestation of Jesus Christ as our King and Saviour not only of the Jews, but also of everyone. This Solemnity reminds us that God loves all nations and cultures and that He communicates with us in so many ways – through events, inspirations, people, and His Word.…