Pastor's Messages from August 2023
‘Oh, the Depths!’: Reflection for the Twenty-First Sunday in Ordinary Time
‘Oh, the Depths!’: Scott Hahn Reflects on the Twenty-First Sunday in Ordinary Time Readings: “Oh, the depth of the riches and wisdom and knowledge of God!” Paul exclaims in today’s Epistle. Today’s Psalm, too, takes up the triumphant note of joy and thanksgiving. Why? Because in the Gospel, the heavenly Father reveals the mystery of His kingdom to Peter. With Peter, we rejoice that Jesus is the anointed Son promised to David, the one prophesied to build God’s temple and…
Office Musings
We welcome and thank Fr. Wayne Pfliger for coming to lead us in the celebration of Mass while Fr. Neil is away. We look forward to his words of wisdom. As our summer draws to a close and we begin preparing for the days and seasons that follow, our plans often turn to new studies or challenges. The children and youth will return to their school work and many of our church groups will resume their activities. Do you have…
A Foreigner’s Faith: Reflection for the Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time
A Foreigner’s Faith: Scott Hahn Reflection for the Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time Readings: Most of us are the foreigners, the non-Israelites, about whom today’s First Reading prophesies. Coming to worship the God of Israel, we stand in the line of faith epitomized by the Canaanite woman in today’s Gospel. Calling to Jesus as Lord and Son of David, this foreigner shows her great faith in God’s covenant with Israel. Jesus tests her faith three times. He refuses to answer…
VBS, Assumption, Vacation
My sisters and brothers in Christ Jesus, Praise God! As you know, we just finished our Vacation Bible School (VBS) this week, it was really amazing and enjoyable for our young families & kids. I would like to personally thank you for all your prayers and support especially for all who worked hard to make this activity possible. We learned lots and to summarize – these are the important messages to remember; “When Life Feels Dark – Shine Jesus’ Light!”…
Sinking Fear: Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Sinking Fear: Scott Hahn Reflects on the Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Readings: How do we find God in the storms and struggles of our lives, in the trials we encounter in trying to do His will? God commands Elijah in today’s First Reading to stand on the mountain and await His passing by. And in the Gospel, Jesus makes the disciples set out across the waters to meet Him. In each case, the Lord makes Himself present amid frightening…
Majestic Voice: Feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord
Majestic Voice: Scott Hahn Reflects on the Feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord Readings: High on the holy mountain in today’s Gospel, the true identity of Jesus is fully revealed in His transfiguration. Standing between Moses and the prophet Elijah, Jesus is the bridge that joins the Law of Moses to the prophets and psalms (see Luke 24:24–27). As Moses did, Jesus climbs a mountain with three named friends and beholds God’s glory in a cloud (see Exodus 24:1, 9, 15). As Elijah…
Mercy Wins – Failure is Not Final
My brothers and sisters in Christ, You know that I just moved here from Nelson, taking my vestment and arranging it at the Sacristy, I notice a beautiful canvas of Jesus – the Divine Mercy. I said to myself, we should put this canvas of Divine Mercy out there at the Confessional, to remind us that God is Merciful and Forgiving. I remember this story of Jesus, the Divine Mercy – there was a young priest who visits his parishioners…