Posts by Catholic Parishes of Penticton (Page 4)

We Celebrated Portuguese Faith and Culture Today

Today we celebrated Portuguese Faith and Culture by processing with Our Lady of Fatima from the school to the church, then celebrated Mass, followed by a Portuguese lunch in the hall. It was heart warming to see so many from our community together for fun and fellowship. Our Gallery has plenty of photos of this wonderful celebration of community, faith, and culture.

KC 61st Annual Charity Appeal

The 2022/23 Knights of Columbus Charity Appeal has been launched! The Raffle runs until January 28, 2023 with three early bird draws. Total prizes are $100,000. First prize is a vehicle – a 2023 Toyota RAV4 2nd prize is $30,000 3rd is $10,000 4th is $5,000 Plus ten $1,000 prizes Plus Early Bird Tickets are $5 and can be bought online. Click the one of the links below to support the council of your choosing: Knights of Columbus Council #…

Spiritual Adoption 2022/23

Prayer for the Unborn Jesus, Mary and Joseph, I love you very much. I beg you to spare the life of (baby’s name) the unborn baby that I have spiritually adopted who is in danger of abortion. Say this prayer every day fornine months to save a baby’s life! Prayer of Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen What is the Spiritual Adoption Program? It is a program where you agree to pray for a baby who is in danger of abortion for…

The Pro Life Flag

“LOVE THEM BOTH” The white background symbolizes non-violence in the womb as well as the innocence of the unborn child. The two baby feet represent the humanity of the unborn child. Baby feet have been a symbol associated with the pro-life movement since the iconic Precious Feet lapel pins were named the international pro-life symbol in 1979. The two pink hands represent the pregnant mother, holding and protecting her child. The circle shape formed by the hands evoke imagery of…

Office Musings…

Like Elvis, Father Obi has finally left the building for a well deserved vacation! He must really love Penticton and the people here, as we here at the office were beginning to think he would be vacationing at the rectory. As we spend this weekend giving thanks for the many blessings that God has bestowed upon us, let us also give thanks for our wonderful Father Obi. He shepherds our parishes with thoughtful discernment, selfless dedication and great love. We…

Mass Intentions – August 15-21, 2022

SA = St. Ann’s, SJV = St. John Vianney Mon Aug 15 Private * Intention Hughes Family Tue Aug 16 – SJV 9am Repose: Antonio Sebastian (Marie Sebastian) Wed Aug 17 – SJV 9am Repose:Daniel Machado (Maria Lima) Thu Aug 18 – SA 9am Repose: Marcella Savoie (Mary Lukey) Fri Aug 19 – SA 9am Intention: Najsel & Mosny families (Martina Mosny) Sat Aug 20 5pm Repose: Gavril Morariu (Nella Todd) Sun Aug 21 9am – SJV Repose: Roy &…

Canada’s Catholic Bishops Welcome Historic Visit from Pope Francis

July 29, 2022 The Bishops of Canada are thankful for Pope Francis’ historic visit to our country. He came in fulfilment of his promise to manifest by his very presence his closeness to the Indigenous Peoples of this land. This visit represents a significant milestone on the path of healing and reconciliation. In his various public and private addresses, he gave a heartfelt and solemn apology to Indigenous Peoples on behalf of the Catholic Church, spoke of his admiration for…

Office Hours & Closures This July

Melinda on Vacation. Enjoy your holidays and time with family, Melinda! Parish office will be open only on these days/hours: Tuesday, July 19, Thursday July 21 and Friday July 22 from 10am – 1pm. Office closed: July 25 – July 29. Fr. Obi will answer and return all calls ASAP.

Assembly of Western Catholic Bishops Synod Synthesis, July 2022

The Assembly of Western Catholic Bishops (AWCB) has appointed a writing team to receive Synod reports from these 22 local churches to synthesize into a single report for western Canada. The reports present a remarkable snapshot of the church in western Canada at this time. While the particular context of each report influenced the issues and perspectives they describe, a substantial consistency is found across these dioceses. In this synthesis, the team reports on what has been heard in these…