Posts by Catholic Parishes of Penticton (Page 27)
Upcoming Liturgical Workshop
My dear friends, the Eucharistic Celebration has been described by Vatican II as the Source and Summit of everything we do as the family of God – the Church. The Holy Mass and other liturgical celebrations have the power to change lives and draw us nearer to Jesus. The beauty of Holy Mass draws our hearts in, captures us and sends us on a mission. To explore more into the beauty and riches of the ministries we do at Holy…
Pilgrimage of Faith, St. John Vianney – 2020
I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink . . . Whatsoever you do to the least of my brothers and sisters, you did it to me. Matthew 25: 35ff Dear Friends, There are so many in our world today without food, without shelter, without clothing. With the generosity of the men and women of good will, we pray for the day when there will be enough food for every hungry child;…
Christmas Season 2019 Schedule
Confession/Reconciliation Times December 10, in Princeton at 4 pm December 16, in Osoyoos at 3 pm December 17, in Oliver at 7 pm December 18, in Keremeos at 11 am December 18, in Summerland at 6pm December 19, in Penticton – St, Ann’s at 5:15pm Christmas Masses December 24th (Tuesday) Sacred Heart Reserve @ 4:00pm St. Ann @ 6:00pm St. John Vianney @ 8:30pm St. Ann @ 12:00am (Midnight) December 25th (Wednesday) St. Ann @ 10:00am St. Ann @ 6:00pm…
Happy Remembrance Day – Lest We Forget
We honour our veterans. Remembrance Day isn’t just about war and those we’ve lost, but about ideals and what we stand for. It’s about respecting our past and looking hopefully forward, and more than anything, thanking those who have served. God of love and justice, today we remember all men and women who died in defense of our country and its freedom. Help us to honour their sacrifice through our prayers and actions for peace in our world. Send your…
Do You Struggle to Hear the Mass? St. John’s now has a Hearing Loop, too!
A Hearing Loop has now been installed in St. John Vianney and is ready for parishioners with hearing aids to tune in using your own hearing aid when the Tele-Coil or “T-Coil” function is switched on. The loop system facilitates better hearing by delivering the audio signal directly to the recipient eliminating background noise, echo/reverb or being at a less than ideal distance from the sound source. Most hearing aids already have ‘T-Coils’ and it may be as simple as…
Celebrating Children
To the parents of our young children, may we suggest… Relax! God put the wiggle in children; don’t feel you have to suppress it in God’s house. Quietly explain the parts of the Mass and the importance of reverence and respect. Sing the hymns, pray and voice the responses. Children learn liturgical behavior by copying you. If you need to leave Mass with your child, feel free to do so, but please come back. Remember that the way we welcome…
Changes to Pilgrimage of Faith Appeal
To: The Faithful of the Nelson Diocese For a number of years, the Pilgrimage of Faith Appeal has been running from October 1 to September 30th. The timing of the appeal has led to numerous challenges on many levels, especially when it comes to adhering to Revenue Canada guidelines and expectations. A review of the timing of donations to the appeal show that the majority of donations are received during October to December. We believe that this has more to…
Statement on the Legalization of Marijuana in Canada Catholic Bishops of British Columbia and Yukon
With recreational use of cannabis now legal in Canada, Catholics are understandably asking themselves some questions: Is the use of cannabis now morally permissible? How should I respond to the availability of legal marijuana? To begin, it’s important to recall that Catholics look to the teachings of Jesus, Sacred Scripture and the Church for guidance on moral matters. The mere fact that an activity is made legal by the government does not automatically mean that it is morally acceptable. It…
Statement on the Legalization of Cannabis/Marijuana for Recreational Use
The Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops (CCCB) expresses its disappointment at the passage of Bill C-45, which legalizes cannabis/marijuana for recreational use. Given the numerous known risks cannabis use poses to human society and human health (physical, mental and emotional), it is lamentable that the federal government has decided to facilitate the provision and use of an addictive substance that will have disastrous effects for so many people. The Canadian Medical Association, the Canadian Psychiatric Association, and the Canadian Paediatric…
Do You Struggle to Hear the Mass? St. Ann’s now has a Hearing Loop!
A Hearing Loop has been installed in St. Ann’s and is ready for parishioners with hearing aids to tune in using your own hearing aid when the Tele-Coil or “T-Coil” function is switched on. The loop system facilitates better hearing by delivering the audio signal directly to the recipient eliminating background noise, echo/reverb or being at a less than ideal distance from the sound source. Most hearing aids already have ‘T-Coils’ and it may be as simple as having your…